Prudence Nyamishana

Prudence Nyamishana is a development communications strategist, blogger, and award-winning podcaster from Uganda. In 2012, She launched her own blog ( to leverage media's power in driving social, cultural, political, and sustainable development. With over 7000 subscribers, the platform has been instrumental in spreading awareness and sparking change.

She hosted the 1st Season of the Amnesty in Africa podcast, which featureds African human rights defenders’ voices. She has spearheaded numerous digital media projects and advocacy campaigns, becoming a voice in Africa's civic spaces on various social justice and human rights issues. She has worked with civil society organizations both at national and international levels, including Amnesty International, Aids Health Fund, HIVOs Foundation, Open Society Foundation, Never Again Rwanda, Forum for Women in Democracy, Civil Rights Defenders, among others to support their communications needs. She holds a Master’s degree in Peace and Conflict studies from Makerere University.

Nyamishana Prudence is currently a global writer for the Full Picture Campaign by the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) and Our Voices, Our Futures (OVOF), which aims to address the pervasive issues of mis/disinformation, particularly its harmful effects on marginalised women, queer, and trans persons globally

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