Preetam Rai · December, 2007

Latest posts by Preetam Rai from December, 2007


  17 December 2007

Thai-American Joa Moragoat's observations on how the Thai people have “over interpreted-over assimilated foreign cultural contributions giving such imports their own unique Thai character”

Malaysia: Memorandum Against the Election Commission Chief

  13 December 2007

Malaysian opposition groups are protesting the extension of retirement age of the current election commission chief as they suspect his neutrality. Earlier this week, authorities tried to block a memorandum by opposition activists to Malaysian parliament opposing the extension. Malaysian bloggers and YouTube users post some videos and discuss the memorandum and the action taken by the authorities against the activists.

Cambodia: Comic Launched

  12 December 2007

Andy Brouver writes about a graphic comic book that was released recently in Cambodia. The printing was held up for 17 years because of market conditions.

Singapore: Taxi Fare Hike

  12 December 2007

Mr. Brown in Singapore thanks a Taxi companies for pointing Singaporeans to a more healthier and cheaper form of transportation.

Indonesia: Online Hate

  11 December 2007

Indonesia and Malaysia have been on somewhat unfriendly terms recently because of mutual claims of ownership of cultural artifacts they share. Carla writes about the online conflict between the netizens from both the countries.

Singapore: KL – Singapore Bullet Train

  11 December 2007

Sophie on the proposed bullet train between Malaysian capital KL and Singapore “can the two governments agree to such a plan that will greatly benefit the people of the two countries?”

Malaysia: Neutral Administrators?

  9 December 2007

Based on the recent statements made by the Inspector General of Police and the Election Commissioner of Malaysia, Ktemoc wonders if they are really neutral as they are supposed to be or are they biased towards the ruling party.

Malaysia: Minister of Antiquities

  9 December 2007

The Malaysian wants the nation's information minister to be handed the minister of Antiquities portfolio. This comes after the minister botched up an interview with a Global TV Channel and continues to make remarks that “go on ad nauseam without a care, not worrying about whether he makes sense or...

Malaysia: Don't Carry The Guy's Bags

  7 December 2007

Rocky warns Malaysian Girls to stop carrying other's bag while they are traveling abroad. This comes after some incidents where drug smugglers used Malaysian women as their carriers without the women knowing what was in the bag.