Latest posts by Oiwan Lam from August, 2023
China retaliates as Japan discharges treated radioactive water from Fukushima
China is the only country in the world that bans seafood from Japan over Fukushima discharge of treated radioactive wastewater.
China is on the precipice of its own major financial crisis
Many are worried that the bankruptcy of Evergrande will trigger a domino effect that extends that crisis from the property to the finance sector.
Chinese propaganda takes over a graffiti wall on London’s Brick Lane
"Their performance captures China’s characters: When 'China' is present, it erases all the diverse colors and cultures brutally with zero respect."
Devastating floods in Hebei expose the site selection problem of China’s sub-capital, Xiong’an
One Weiboer put the water channeling politics in China in a nutshell: "Whether a place is submerged or not relies not on its altitude but on its political status."