Latest posts by Oiwan Lam from August, 2019
Hong Kong police conducts massive and unprecedented arrest of leading anti-extradition activists
The Hong Kong government has shifted its crackdown tactics from detaining demonstrators on protest sites to arresting a wider network of pro-democracy activists and leaders.
Inspired by the 1989 ‘Baltic Way,’ Hong Kong protesters form human chain to demand freedom and democracy
"The light of freedom transcends time, place. Truly magnificent. #StandwithHongKong #BalticWay"
‘White terror’ at Cathay Pacific: Flight attendant union head fired for supporting Hong Kong protests on social media
"This is not just about me. This is about the whole industry. This is about Hong Kong. When will this white terror end?"
Twitter reveals China's information operations on Hong Kong protests
A network of 200,000 accounts operated in conjunction to undermine the legitimacy of the Hong Kong movement, Twitter said in a statement.
Mainland Chinese netizens face ‘pink terror’ of patriotic trolls amid Hong Kong protests
Those who do not toe the official party line are identified and subjected to doxxing.
China inspects Hongkongers’ mobile phones for protest photos and chats at border checkpoints
In the face of border searches, Hong Kong protesters are picking up new technology tactics to mitigate their risk.
Beijing says Hong Kong anti-extradition protests show signs of ‘terrorism’
"The bloody crackdown is extending and you cannot see the border or a definitive sign in Hong Kong’s version of June 4..."
Beijing’s loyalists from Fujian province vow to beat up anti-extradition protesters in Hong Kong
Both local media outlets and police authorities have been notified of the Fujianese plan to pick fights with protesters. But only Beijing can stop such violence.
A Hong Kong artist’s ‘surreal’ depiction of the anti-extradition protests
In addition to the Lennon Wall, the artist's work has likened the protesters to superheroes, compared protest power to Dragon Ball Z, and depicted the protesters fighting against Gozilla.
Hong Kong anti-extradition protests accelerate into a movement against Beijing-backed police authorities
More evidence is starting to emerge that the Hong Kong police force worked in cooperation with the Triad, an organized crime unit, during the Yuen Long mob attack on July 21, 2019.