Latest posts by Oiwan Lam from July, 2014
‘Terrified’ Founder Decides to Shutter Hong Kong Pro-Democracy News Site ‘House News’
Some are speculating that the site was pressured to shut down as part of a wider crackdown by Beijing on Hong Kong's media.
Pro-Democracy Protesters in Hong Kong Can Face Down Police, but Not Their Mom and Dad at the Dinner Table
Hundreds of thousands have vocally demanded democratic elections, but some of those same activists are having trouble speaking up to their conservative parents.
The Arrest of CCTV News Anchor and Refection on China's Public Relation Business
The arrest of CCTV news anchor Rui Chenggang was related to his ties to PR firm Edelman subsidiary in China. Silicon Hutong took the opportunity to reflect upon public relation...
China's National Mahjong Team Loses To Japan
Mahjong, originated from China is considered a national game. The fact that China's national mahjony team lost the the fifth Open Mahjong Championship in France and finished in 37th place...
China Is Demolishing Churches and Stripping Others of Their Crosses, but It Swears It Isn't Targeting Christianity
China maintains it is going after all illegal buildings, but Christians are calling the campaign religious persecution.
Chinese Activist Hu Jia Attacked
Prominent Chinese activists Hu Jia was attacked last night on July 16 in Beijing. He reported the incident in his Twitter: 今天7月16日,刚才20:12,我在北京市朝阳区草房地铁站东侧100米路北被若干便衣人员袭击受伤。他们随后驾车离去,我眼镜被打飞未能看清车号。此刻感到身体不适,靠在路边,准备报警。胡佳 #傅政华 #国保档案 — Hu Jia 胡佳 (@hu_jia)...
Warning Against Racial Nationalism in Hong Kong
Evan Fowler told a story about a conflict happened to his friends in a subway train. He compared the incident with its Sydney version in which a Chinese descend was...
China: No More Cantonese Mother Tongue on Guangdong TV News
Despite the strong public sentiment against the language policy that marginalizes the Cantonese mother tongue in Guangdong province, Guangdong TV quietly replaced Cantonese news broadcast with Putonghua. How do people...
Chinese Women Protest Against the World Cup
Offbeat China explained why women are so angry and how the World Cup has destroyed relationships in China. They are primarily pissed about two things: 1) their partners neglecting family...
Embarrassing Encounters With Foreigners Who Understand Chinese
Charles Liu from translated a local newspaper's collection of Chinese people's embarrassing stories of speaking behind the back of foreigners who understand Chinese.
Hong Kong's Anglican Archbishop Says Pro-Democracy Protesters Should Be Like Jesus and Keep Quiet
Jesus was silent like a lamb in the face of his crucifixion, according to Archbishop Paul Kwong.
Sparrows in China Died From Eating Too Much Rice? Chinese Netizens Are Skeptical
A large number of sparrows died after eating rice spilled on the ground from a shipment at a dock in Yichang city, Sichuan province. A local food security expert said...
US and China's Strategic and Economic Dialogue
China File invited economist William Adams and Political Economy Professor from Peking University, Zha Daojiong, to comment on the upcoming high-level bilateral diplomatic exchange known as the Strategic and Economic...
Why More Than 500 People in Hong Kong Were Willing to Be Arrested at a Sit-In
Many people who were arrested at a peaceful sit-in shared their personal stories on Facebook in the past few days. They want democratic elections free of China's influence.
The Victims of China’s Soil Pollution Crisis
A very in-depth investigation published by ChinaFile on the problem of soil pollution in China.
Hundreds of Pro-Democracy Protesters Arrested in Hong Kong After Half-a-Million-Strong March
The protesters had staged a sit-in in the city's business district following a rally of half a million people demanding democratic elections free of China's influence.