Latest posts by Oiwan Lam from October, 2011
China: Open letter to Relativity Media
C Custer wrote an open letter to Relativity Media, a Hollywood Film Producer, criticizing its plan to cooperate with the Linyi government to shoot a movie there. Linyi government has...
China: Woman activist beaten by local thugs and police officer
Tom Lasseter interviewed Wang Xuezhen, a woman activist beaten by local thugs when she tried to visit Chen Guangcheng. She was slapped by a police officers when she reported on...
China and Brazil: On anacondas and dragons
Johan Lagerkvist from ChinaRoader looks into the dynamic between the authoritarian China and democratic Brazil in the future international politics.
China: Internet Management and the 6th Plenum Report
Bill Bishop looks into the 6th Plenum Report and highlights the part that discusses the strengthening of Internet management in China.
Hong Kong: Sexual Orientation Conversion Advocated by Government
In June 2011, the Hong Kong Government Social Welfare Department invited Christian Sexual Orientation Conversion Therapy organisation New Creation, to train its social workers. The move has caused anger in the LGBT and wider community.
China: Goodbye Gadhafi and Tyranny
Prominent Chinese blogger, Yang Hengjun says farewell to Gadhafi’s rule and the remaining less than 10% autocratic rulers at China Media Project.
China: New Global Order in Car Ads
Tricia Wang notices the recent Ads of Toyota Highlander showing a white male serving a Chinese couple is reflective of the new global order.
Hong Kong: Why Occupy Central?
A group of activists in Hong Kong have occupied the ground floor of the iconic HSBC building in Central District for almost one week. Their occupation has provided a reflective space for people to look into the problems of the existing economic system.
China: Independent documentary and film
If you want to know more about citizen videos, independent documentaries and films from mainland China, you can take a look at the recently website The website also sells...
China: Disease of indifference
Annie Lee from China Hush translated an article that examines the cause of moral deficiency in mainland Chinese society.
China: Children Wearing Badge of Shame
Some elementary schools in China force children who under-perform to wear a green scarf. (via Ministry of Tofu)
Hong Kong: Occupy Central
In global call for solidarity for Wall Street Occupation, Hong Kong activists have started to occupy Central since last Saturday. Here are some photos showing their daily life in Central.
China: A Poem About the Self-Immolations in Tibet
A series of self-immolations happened in Tibet since early October. Tibetan poet Sengdor wrote a poem, “Mourning” to commemorate his fellows. High Peaks Pure Earth translated the poem and some...
China: Girl ran over by two vans, bystanders ignored
A cold-blood story happened in the weekend in Foshan city. A two-year-old girl hit by a van, the diver did not stop and drove away. Bystanders witnessed the scene did...
China: Portable Toilet Adapter
Shanghaiist puts forward a design idea of a light weight, portable, easy-to-clean toilet adapter targeting the China market.
China: Reflecting on 100 Years Since the Xinhai Revolution
October 10, 2011, marked 100 years since the Wuchang Uprising and the beginning of the Xinhai Revolution that overthrew the Qing Dynasty (1644-1912) and established the Republic of China. Oiwan Lam reflects on China's revolutionary past.
China: Fundraising for Documentary on Kidnapped Children
Living with Dead Hearts is a documentary film about the search for China's kidnapped children. The director is now trying to raise money to finish up the film. The trailer...
China: Bean-Dregs Boat
One of the poorest city in western China, Lanzhou city, spent RMB 17 million on building a luxury boat which sank on its launch day in the Yellow River. (ChinaSMACK...
China: Knockoff World Architecture
Annie Lee from China Hush translated a local feature story about a village along Yangtze River. The rich village has recreated some of the most famous architectures for tourist amusement.
China: More Visits to the Blind Activist Chen Guangcheng
Samuel Wade from China Digital Times has an update on the activist action to rescue the blind activist Chen Guangcheng from his house arrest at the Dongshigu Village in Yi'nan...
Android Market Blocked in China
Sunny Ye from Techrice introduces some alternatives to deal with the blocking of Android Market in China.