Latest posts by Oiwan Lam from March, 2011
China: Inflation and Fear
Foreseeing the rocket raising inflation, Chinese people are storing up daily necessities, such as Laundry Detergent, at home. Fauna from ChinaSMACK has captured the situation and translated netizens’ response to...
China: Exporting Women
China Hush translated an article from a local forum concerning the imbalance in the “importation” and “exportation” of women in China where the gender ratio has already been distorted which...
Debate about China Model
The China Media Project has translated two articles written by Zhang Weiwei, a CCP think tank and Yang Jisheng, an experience retired reporter on their understanding of China Model.
China: Crackdown on Activists and Opinion Leaders
The Chinese government's crackdown on human rights activists and opinion leaders continues. Samuel Wade from China Digital Timeshas compiled information from all sources to update on the situation.
China: Porcelain Artwork Banned from Shipping out posts a picture of a piece of porcelain artwork which has been banned by the Ministry of Culture from shipping out to South Korea's Asia Art Exhibition because it...
China: Opinion Battle on Baidu's Copyright Infringement
More than fifty Chinese writers have formed an alliance protesting against copyright infringement by the Baidu Wenku platform, a Chinese version of Google Books which allows users to read, share or download books for free.
China: In Defense of the NY Times and Paranoia
Many bloggers and netizens criticized a recent New York Times article on cell phone monitor in China as false as it could not be reproduced by others. C. Custer from...
China: Can we tolerate Baidu’s “evil” stand on IP rights?
Peking University professor, Hu Yong, comments on the recent debate on Baidu Wenku's copyright infringement in China Media Project.
China’s property bubble
Edward Khoo from Fool's Mountain looks into the market psychology that contributes to the property bubble and affects the government's soft landing measures.
The Coming Collapse of China's Soft Power
Johan Lagerkvist from Chinaroader foresees the coming collapse of China's soft power.
China: VPNs don't work
Many Chinese netizens expressed their frustration on the blocking of VPNs in China since last week. Chinaren is among one of them.
China, Tibet: Should Tibetans Have Protested in 2008 or Not?
High Peak Pure Earth translates Tibetan writer Woser's reflection on the 2008 Tibet protest.
China: Consumer Right Performance
China Hush translates a local news story on a staged protest in the International Consumers Rights Day: a Lamborghini owner hired people to break his Lamborghini Gallardo sports car worth...
Is Twitter Relevant For China?
Dan from China Law Blog explains why he decided to shut down his Twitter account.
China: How to Prevent Your Website from Getting Shut Down
Don Weinland from China Digital Times translated social media pioneer Zheng Yun's explanation on the self-regulatory practice among webmasters for preventing their websites being shut down by authorities.
China: Chairman Mao's grandson
Mao Xinyu, Mao Zedong’s grandson, was recently promoted to Major General in Chinese military. He has been a major subject for mockery in the past few years among netizens. The...
China: Salt rush and political trust
Jottings from the Granite Studio has a guest commentary written by Yajun on the recent salt rush. The writer points out that it is a symptom of a profound lack...
China: Rap on Chinese Price
Ministry of Tofu translates a parody rap on the soaring consumer prices in China.
China and Japan: Complicated Relationship
Jottings from the Granite Studio has two posts looking into the the Sino-Japanese relation. The first post depicts a mixture of envy and empathy; the second post looks into the...
China: Netizens Admire Japan’s Post-Earthquake Behavior
Fauna from ChinaSMACK translates Chinese netizens comments on the orderly reaction of Japanese people to the earthquake.
China: Controversial Speeches from Party Members
The Fourth Session of the 11th National People's Congress (NPC) and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) closed yesterday (March 14 2011) in Beijing. One-Party leadership was not a subject up for debate, so people have turned their attention to the speeches and proposals made by the so-called "people's representatives".