Latest posts by Oiwan Lam from May, 2010
China: lost in translation
The machine translation of Chinese character into English can be really hilarious. PH from veggie discourse has a few examples.
China: Responses to FoxConn's suicides
SACOM have several updates on reactions and responses to FoxConn workers’ consecutive suicides, including 1. Appeal by Sociologists on FoxConn suicides, 2. Global Day of Remembrance for Victims of Foxconn,...
China and Hong Kong: Responses to Cheonan sinking incident
The release of the international investigation report on sinking of Cheonan in May 20, 2010, concluding that the South Korean warship had been bombed by a North Korean torpedo has...
South Korea: The sinking of ROKS Cheonan
Ask a Korean! addresses the issue of the sinking of ROKS Cheonan by answering what you need to know and what you need to think about the issue.
South Korea: Critical discourse on North Korea
K. M. Lawson from The Korea History Blog criticized South Korean concerned scholars (the Alliance of Scholars Concerned About Korea) on the lack of critical discourse on North Korea when...
China: English Language Blogs
Kai Pan from china/divide takes his readers for a tour around different kind of English language blogs about China.
China: Baidu vs. Google: in search of accessible, useful results
Joel Martinsen from DANWEI translated a blog post from Oh My Media which compared the search result of “CPU, temperature, software” in Google and Baidu.
China: Dying young in FoxConn
SACOM, a NGO in Hong Kong which concerns about labour rights issue, posted an investigative report on the 10 consecutive suicide cases in FoxConn, one of the I-phone subcontractor in...
South Korea and Thailand's Cold War Context
John P. DiMoia from Korea History Group looks into the common historical context (Cold War) of the economic and political development of South Korea and Thailand.
South Korea: The 30th anniversary of the Kwangju Uprising
Yesterday marked the 30th anniversary of the Kwangju uprising in South Korea, matt from Gusts of Popular Feeling has a roundup post on historical resources about the incident.
China: Blogger interrogated after criticizing Shanghai EXPO 2010
A blogger, A Bad Friend, was summoned by security police for interrogation over tea upon writing an article, 10 sins of EXPO 2010, on his blog. After the tea session, he wrote another article, “La Dernière Classe”, recording the conversation between the security police and himself. The exchange reflects the ideological conflict between a party-state nation represented by the security police and a people-orientated nation represented by the student blogger.
South Korea: How to be a Power Blogger
Ask a Korean! translated an article by Mr. Joo Seong-Ha on how to becom a power blogger.
White American pop singers marketed in Japan
Adamu from Mutantfrog travelogue comments on the localized marketing of American pop-singers EastWest Boys.
China: Do Officials Really Fear the Internet?
Chinageeks picks up a local media debate on whether or not Chinese officials are afraid of Internet public opinion.
China: I-Phone subcontractor's workers commit suicide
7 workers from Foxconn, I-Phone subcontractor in China, have committed suicide since January 2010. China Hush summarized an investigative report on the consecutive suicide.
Secrets of a Chinese Restaurant
PH from Veggie discourse translates a post at MOP written by a Cook about how in general food is prepared in Chinese restaurant.
China: Shoe-throwing at real estate tycoon
The real estate bubble has enraged the public and real estate tycoon Ren Zhiqiang received a pair of shoes while delivering a speech in a conference in Dalian. Shanghaiist has...
China: Naked official debate
A “naked official” is an official whose wife and kids have left China to live in a foreign country, leaving only him behind to take care of things at home....
China and the U.S: The fake chips
Angry Chinese blogger comments on the U.S government's accusation of the inflow of low grade technology products, such as fake chips into the U.S military.
China: School killings and social pathology
Within 5 weeks, there were 5 school killings in China. All the victims are innocent primary and kindergarten school kids, while all the murderers are also victims of social injustice....
China: School killing incidents and policy implications
Stan Abrams from china/divide writes about the social and political implications of the recent school killing incidents happened in several Chinese cities.