Latest posts by Oiwan Lam from March, 2010
South Korea: Gender issues
The Grand Narratives has a nice roundup post on various current gender issues in South Korea.
China and Hong Kong: Post 80's Generation
K.E. David from ChinaGeek translated an article written by Yang Hengjun on his encounter with post 80's generation in a talk on democracy. The discussion makes him realize the connection...
China: search blocked
Several twitterers, including @williamlong @geekinmedia @aHexie @terryxxy and @mranti, confirmed the blocking of's search in major cities, such as Beijing and Shenzhen in China. According to @mranti: Google search...
China: Kidney Stone Babies’ father on trial
Today, Zhao Lianhai, the founder of “kidney stone babies” whose 4-year old son was poisoned by Sanlu melamine tainted milk in 2008 was put on trial today under the criminal...
China’s Top IT Enterprenuers Call For Internet Special Zone
CTD translated a local news about top IT enterprenuers’ call for the setting up of Internet Special Zone free from censorship in Shenzhen.
China: The potential of Microblogging
Toadi from has translated a Beijing News’ interview with Hu Yong on the potential of micro-bogging in China.
Japan: Human-faced dog
Pink Tentacle has a feature story about the legend of human-faced dog in Japan.
China and Japan: Expo Osaka and Expo Shanghai
Martin J Frid notices that the theme of Expo 2010 is loaded with a strong belief in “developmentalism” and “urbanism”. He then shares the experience of Expo Osaka in 1970...
China: Bride Dumped on Wedding Night Because She Isn't a Virgin
PH from Veggie Discourse translated a local forum post and comments about a bride being dumped on the wedding night because the groom found out that she isn't a virgin.
The Trials of Being a Chinese Reporter
C. Custer from ChinaGeeks translated a telephone recording in which a Hong Kong reporter trying to confirm Google’s retreat from China with Chinese government officials.
China and the U.S: Testimony on Internet control
Rebecca MacKinnon posts her testimony for the U.S Congressional Executive China Commission on Google and Internet Control in China: A Nexus Between Human Rights and Trade.
China: migrated to Hong Kong
Finally Google has decided to leave China. Soon after the announcement, Google stopped censoring the search result of by redirecting the site to In Google's official blog, David...
Chinese netizens’ open letter to the Chinese Government and Google
Rebecca MacKinnon has summarized the viewpoints of some Chinese netizens who have issued an open letter to express their stand in censorship.
China: Oxfam's ill-intentions
CDT translated a notification issued the the CCP's education bureau back in February which defines Oxfam Hong Kong an overseas organization that infiltrates into China.
China: Shanxi Vaccine scandal
PH from Veggie Discourse puts together various local reports on the “undetermined” causes led to death, disability, or serious sickness among nearly one hundred children in Shanxi. Many believe that...
China: Urban Villages
Maryannodonnell explains how “urban villages” appears in city, like Shenzhen, as a result of development and the negotiation of space between “farmers” and “city people”.
China and U.S: Rhetorics on Google's Exit
Kai Pan from china / divide criticizes western rhetorics in discussing Google's exit from China. The blogger in particular comments on Nicole Kempton piece on the Huffington Post that neglects...
South Korea: Ohmynews feeling
Guilherme Lopes Neves tells the readers what's the difference between writing in Ohmynews! and professional media platform.
China: The first case of naked government
China Hush translated a local news story about a village government in Sichuan publicizing all of its expenses in detailed records in January of this year. Chinese netizens called it...
China: Various aspects of censorship
March 12 was the World Day Against Cyber Censorship and Reporters Without Borders announced its latest list of "Enemies of the Internet," which points a finger at China, among other authoritarian states.
China: College students’ employment problem
PH from veggie discourse translated a local news story from Netease about how 5 college students beat out 395 Others to become feces diggers.