Latest posts by Oiwan Lam from September, 2009
South Korea: Kids Lack Sleep
Korea beat translated a local news report on a survey about Korean kids’ sleeping time, which is the shortest among the 6 surveyed countries.
China: Mooncake
Uln found the gift economy of moon cake during the mid autumn festival in Shanghai amazing.
China: Humanistic measures towards filial criminals
Xujun Eberlein from Inside-out China comments on the Chinese court's humanistic measures towards two brothers who committed kidnapping in order to save their ailing mother.
China: Visa to Tibet
The angry Chinese blogger writes on the recent confusion over the ban on visa to Tibet.
China: Censorship arms race escalates
Rebecca MacKinnon sums up the recent censorship measures in China, including the launching of new surveillant software and the recent attack of major censorship circumvention techniques and technologies.
China: Re-programming CCTV
In the coming year, CCTV will cut one third of its program in order to be more competitive. One of the program to be cut is “Tell it like it...
Japan: The decline of the LDP
Observing Japan has an article explaining the decline of the LDP. The blogger points out that from the early 1990s until 2007 the LDP shifted not just from center to...
Japan: Against animal testing
Martin J Frid from Kurashi blogs about the upcoming peace walk for animals on September 27, 2009 in Osaka.
South Korea: Foreign English teachers and AIDS
Matt from Gusts of popular feelings writes a post on the anti foreigners sentiment and how such sentiment has turned English teachers into an AIDS threat.
South Korea: Woman and Korean Soju
The Grand Narratives has an very interesting post about evolving images of women in Korean soju advertising.
China: Crowd sourced translation and the issue of copyright
Joel Martinsen from DANWEI translated an article by Janson Yao discussing the crowd-sourced translation of The Lost Symbol in relation to the issue of copyright infringement.
China: Preparation for 60th anniversary of PRC
China digital times has a series of photos on oldier parade rehearsal for the 60th anniversary of PRC. After looking at the photos, you can understand the cruel and inhuman...
China: Reflections on blogging
Roland started a post reflecting on his blogging experience at ESWN.
Japan: Japanese pickles
Ad Blankestijn from Japan Navigator introduced different types of Japanese pickling.
South Korea: Government sued activist with libel
Ohmynews! International has a report on South Korean government libel charge against a prominent activist lawyer Park Wonsoon. Part was charged 200 million won for damages from the National Intelligence...
South Korea: Protecting children
Matt from Gusts of popular feelings wrote an informative article on the ineffectiveness of certain policies for protecting children and youth.
South Korea: 6% of Kids Addicted to Internet
Korea Beat translated a local news on a report released by the Ministry of Health which affirmed: 6 out of 100 fourth-graders, over 34,000 in total, have an internet addiction...
Japan: The boyladies
An Englishman in Osaka introduced a theatrical troupe called the Takarazuka Revue Company. The group is famous for their boyladies – women performing man's role on stage.
China: Pretending to be a reporter
ESWN translated the Retrial of Wu Baoquan, a netizen sentenced to 2 year imprisonment for exposing a land dispute in Ordos city under the charge of libel. On 16 of...
China: Here comes the Laowai
Uln from Chinayouren blogs about an experimental performance for testing people's reaction towards foreigners (Laowei) who wrote a T-shirt with big Chinese characters “laowai has come!” and “laowai has left!”
China: Verifying reports of Ai Weiwei's surgery
Joel Martinsen from DANWEI translated a blog post by Liu Xiaoyuan verifying the fact that Ai Weiwei, a prominent artist and activist in China, has been hospitalized for cranial surgery...