Latest posts by Oiwan Lam from December, 2006
China: 100 Outstanding Mothers
Granite Studio comments on the recent announcement by the government on the 100 outstanding Mothers in China. The blogger notices that such practice is not new.
China: 2006 most popular Chinese word
Many Chinese bloggers are discussing the most popular Chinese word of 2006. Some of the suggestions are: Bo (as in Blogger), Gao (as in spoof) and Chao (as in argue)....
China: illegal church construction?
Ai Wei Wei criticizes a recent court case in Hanzhou concerning “illegal church construction”. More than a thousand people were involved in the church construction from 26-29 July 2006. On...
China: humor
One Man bandwidth looks into the differences in the western and Chinese sense of humor.
China: republishing protected by law?
DANWEI has a post summarizing internet republishing debate in China. It explains the copyrights law in China which allows fair use and translation.
China: more on boycotting Christmas
Granitestudio comments on the recent call by PhD students in China on boycotting Christmas celebration.
China: blogender
An online test (zh) about blogger's gender by analyising the language in the blogpost.
Taiwan: please speak Chinese
Holly blogs about her frustration in learning Chinese in Taiwan, and she hopes that her Chinese friends can speak Chinese to her.
Japan: how to survive the year end party
Alexpappas from Japundit gives the readers some tips on how to survive a Japanese style year end party – Bonenkai.
Hong Kong: blogger alliance against Star Ferry demolition
Some bloggers in Hong Kong started an alliance against the demolition of Star Ferry and Queen's Pier. Anson Mak collects all the posts and newspapers reports together at beyond the...
China: cultural critique on consuming Christmas
Zhao mu re-posts an open letter written by10 PhD students in China (all from top univeristy) which criticized the celebration of Christmas in China. The students suggest government to ban...
China: Xinjiang 2021
Michael from the opposite end of China blogs about his wild speculation of Xinjiang in 2021. The post was written in response to a call by
China: Who are the enemies of a harmonious society?
China law prof posts a translation of Liang Jing's commentary on Chen Guancheng's case: Who are the enemies of a harmonious society?
China: population quality
Kaie blogs about a recent population policy in Guangzhou city. The policy is to prevent low quality population to reside in the city. Kaie comments that the urban residents have...
China: model answer blogpost
Zengying explains why 2006 is an significant year for him because one of his blog post became a model answer for university entrance examination: a student copied his post in...
Hong Kong: experienced journalists become PR
Mo's notebook blogs about the resignation of three senior reporters in a major TV station in Hong Kong (TVB). He notices that many good reporters have left the media industry...
Japan and South Korea: citizen reporters meeting
Oh Mun-su from Ohmynews reports on the recent meeting between Korean and Japanese Citizen Reporters. “It was held in the OhmyNews Japan office in Tokyo to reconcile differences in thinking...
South Korea: migrant news roundup
Jamie from Two Koreas reprints some news from Migrant Worker TV to sum up some of the current issues going on in the migrant movement in South Korea these days.
China: Public manners
Granite studio trys to explain Chinese's public manners by looking into the cultural character.
East Asia: the East Asian Libraries and Archives wiki
Frog in a Well announces a project on the East Asian Libraries and Archives wiki. The project will will serve as a central collection site for information about archives, libraries,...
China: The tale of the white dolphin
Experts believe that the twenty-million year old white dophin in Yangtze River was extinct. Lonnie Hodge puts up a story in Onemanbandwidth.