Latest posts by Norbert Bousigue
Spain: Electricity Cut Off for one School in Alicante
Power was cut off [ca] for 800 pupils in a secondary school in Alicante due to outstanding payments. The Valencian Community is currently mired in financial difficulties after years of...
Catalonia: From Arab Spring To Islamic Autumn
Pepe Nieto from SODEPAU, a Catalan international aid organization, published a post entitled: “From the Arab Spring to the Islamic Autumn” [cat]. Nieco forecasts that political Islam will be the great...
Spain: Conguitos Racist Logos in Question
On Maneno, a blogging platform dedicated to meet the needs of sub Saharan Africa bloggers, schauzeri wonders why Conguitos, a renown sweets company in Spain, retained their current logos despite...
Cameroon: Concern for freedom
Though Cameroon is not the focus of world attention, some recent blog posts question the reality of freedom in this African country. On his blog [fr], Édouard Tamba worries about...
Senegal: Troubles in schools
Although more and more children in Senegal are attending school, the education system faces ever greater challenges, from the influence of drugs to unwanted pregnancies to the fact that education is hardly a guarantee of future employment.
Waxal: First African Blog Award for Journalists
The first Waxal Blogging Africa Awards have been just launched. All African bloggers who work as journalists can register. The deadline is the 7th of December 2008. The individual winners - one for an English blog, one for a French blog - and one for a blogging organization, will be rewarded with a cash prize, and all best blogs will be promoted by the organizers through various channels.