Nathan Hamm · April, 2006

Latest posts by Nathan Hamm from April, 2006

Armenia: Prkutyun

  28 April 2006

Zarchka writes about visiting an exhibition of the Prkutyun NGO, an organization that provides services to disabled children. Onnik Krikorian went as well and has his own post as well.

Mongolia: Casino Park

  27 April 2006

Shards of Mongolia notes that a plan for a massive development project including shopping, industry, an international airport, and a casino. Curiously, it will not be anywhere near the capital,...

Turkmenistan: 30K Buckets

  27 April 2006

Peter writes at neweurasia about the televised confession of Turkmenistan's former General Prosecutor Gurbanbiby Atajanova who was, until recently, the only public official with considerable stature besides the president.

Mongolia: Traffic

  26 April 2006

Shards of Mongolia reports that Ulaanbaatar's Peace Bridge, a major route for the tourists visiting for Mongolia's 800th anniversary this year, is being closed for improvements which will only make...

Armenia: Talks Break Down

  26 April 2006

Onnik Krikorian reports that talks have broken down between Indian students and the Yerevan State Medical University and notes that a blog has been set up for students to write...