Latest posts by Neha Viswanathan from December, 2007
Bangladesh: Women and the Police
black and gray on Eliza Sharmeen, who is the first woman in the country to command a passing out parade in Bangladesh.
India: Baghdad Burning on stage
Known Turf on watching a dramatic reproduction of the blog – Baghdad Burning on stage.
Sri Lanka: In 2008
groundviews attempts at predicting what is in store for Sri Lanka in 2008.
Pakistan: Benazir Bhutto's legacy
The news of Benazir Bhutto's death seems to have finally settled in. Bloggers are now focusing their attention on what Bhutto's legacy might be. Bhutto comes from a powerful family...
Pakistan: Why Bhutto, and what now for Pakistan?
More reactions are pouring out in the Pakistani blogosphere and elsewhere as it settles in that a very strong and capable leader is no more. Some bloggers are concerned about...
Pakistan: Bhutto's Death and Impending Elections
Still reeling with the shock, The Emergency Times, which has kept a very close eye on the unfolding political situation in Pakistan, writes At this tragic moment in the history...
Pakistan: Reactions to Bhutto's death
Benazir Bhutto's death has come as a shock to many of the bloggers writing from and about Pakistan. While Bhutto's politics may be controversial, her assasinaton comes at a time...
Sri Lanka: Being Tami
groundviews on the experience of being Tamil in Sri Lanka.
Pakistan: Churches in Pakistan
All Things Pakistan wishes its readers on Christmas, and links to one of their old posts with photographs of churches in Pakistan.
Nepal: On Democracy
Bahas on the current political scenario – commenting on consensus and democracy.
India: Photographs from abroad
Glimpses of life abroad in the 70s (or so) at Sepia Mutiny. Beautiful photographs.
India: No buyers for tea
My Himachal on a crisis that has hit tea producers in Kangra Valley – no buyers.
Nepal: Parallel peace process
Nepali Netbook probes the peace process in Nepal.
Bangladesh: Outsourcing sacrifice
Bangladesh Corporate Blog wonders if there is a more convenient way to take care of animal sacrifices required for religious reasons.
Sri Lanka: Tsunami and Verse
Moving Images, Moving People! writes a moving post on the anguish the Tsunami caused.
India: Tweetup!
A Tweetup (or Twitter Meetup) in Mumbai, probably the first one in India – more information at Gauravonomics.
India: Children, violence and guns
karmickids is shocked by a shootout in a school in India – and why she isn't likely to buy her kid any toy guns.
Sri Lanka: Three years after the Tsunami
Chuls Bits & Pics on the tsumani, after three years – remembering those who died, and asking where all the money went.
India: Delhi from the sky
synchroni-cities has a beautiful post on Delhi as seen on wikimapia.
Sri Lanka: GK3, Meek and Geek
Moving Images, Moving People with impressions of the Third Global Knowledge Conference or GK3 held in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia.
Sri Lanka: Peace Process on the mistakes in peace making initiatives in Sri Lanka.