Latest posts by Veronica Khokhlova from August, 2009
Russia: Photos and Drawings of Opposition Rally
Photos from the Aug. 31 opposition rally in Moscow – by LJ user mnog (RUS); drawings and an observation – by LJ user pshevelev (RUS): “A few people are chanting...
Georgia: Bicycle Trip from Poti to Batumi
LJ user jhwe posts over 130 photos (RUS) taken during an 85-kilometer bicycle journey from Poti to Batumi, Georgia.
Hungary: St. Stephen
Hungarian Spectrum writes: “Because there are so many references to St. Stephen nowadays in Hungary I thought I ought to write a post on what ‘Hungary’ looked liked in his...
Russia: Satellite Pics of Traffic Jam Caused by Officials
LJ user travel_hunter (RUS) re-posts images of maps showing an impressive amount of cars forced to wait until some high-ranking Russian officials pass an intersection in Moscow. LJ user...
Russia: Two Photos of Sayano-Shushenskaya Dam
LJ user drugoi visits Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric dam, posts two photos and writes (RUS) about the colossal damage done to the facility on Aug. 17: “It seems that it's easier to...
Albania: Honey
Stepping Stones describes an accidental stopover at a honey-processing place located on a beautiful lake in southern Albania.
Russia: Nikita Mikhalkov's '12’
Poemless writes about Nikita Mikhalkov's 12, a Russian re-make of Twelve Angry Men.
Russia: Stalin at Renovated Kurskaya
LJ user russos posts photos (RUS) of the newly renovated Kurskaya-Koltsevaya metro station in Moscow, which now sports this line from the 1944 version of the Soviet anthem: “Stalin brought...
Russia: August 1991 – 18 Years On
Scraps of Moscow writes about the August 1991 coup and how it is remembered 18 years later.
Poland: Microsoft's Photoshopped Ad
Eternal Remont writes about Microsoft's photoshopped Polish ad, in which a black man's head of the original ad was replaced with a white man's head.
Slovakia, Hungary: More on the Tensions
Michal Hudec of writes about the Slovak-Hungarian tensions.
Hungary: Update on Hungarian Guard
Hungarian Spectrum posts an update on the Hungarian Guard (more on it, in an earlier GV post by Marietta Le).
Poland: More on “Lemko Land”
Raf Uzar travels “down south to deepest, darkest Lemko Land.”
Ukraine, Russia: Reaction to Medvedev's Statement
Foreign Notes translates one Ukrainian editor's take on president Medvedev's Ukraine address.
Ukraine: Independence Day Parade
Ukrainiana posts photos and video of the Independence Day parade in Kyiv.
Russia: Flag Day Rally
LJ users daria_mas and alter-gregor post photos (RUS) from the opposition rally that took place in Moscow on Russia's Flag Day and ended with riot police detaining some of the...
Russia: Anna Akhmatova
St. Petersblurb writes about Anna Akhmatova and the Fountain House.
Russia: Flags With Crosses
Eternal Remont is hoping that “the Moscow Times was recently bought out by The Onion” – and here's why: “According to the Moscow Times, the Russian Justice Ministry recently published...
Hungary, Slovakia: Newest Tensions
Hungarian Spectrum (here and here) and The Reference Frame report and comment on the Slovak-Hungarian tensions.
Russia: The Siege of Leningrad Museums
The Copydude has moved to St. Petersburg and launched a new blog: St. Petersblurb. The latest post there is about the Siege of Leningrad and today's monuments and museums commemorating...
Russia: ‘The Coronation’ by Boris Akunin
Jost a Mon reviews The Coronation by Boris Akunin, among other “foreign” crime fiction items.