Latest posts by Ndesanjo Macha from October, 2010
Tanzania: Vote, don't wage war
“Today is the last day of campaigning before Tanzania and Zanzibar go to the polls to elect a new Government. Elections in Zanzibar are extremely close-fought events, though you wouldn’t...
South Africa: South Africans end week of “secrecy bill” protests
“On Wednesday, just before South African lawmakers were scheduled to debate amendments to the controversial Protection of Information Bill, thousands of protesters marched to the gates of Parliament in Cape...
Tanzania: God Bless Tanzania
God bless Tanzanians as they vote tomorrow: “Tomorrow is an important day for Tanzanians. It's the day to exercise their democratic right in the 2010 General Election. I would have...
Tanzania: 2010 General Elections Roundup
Tanzanians will go to the polls on 31 October 2010 to elect the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, President of Zanzibar, Members of Parliament and Members of the Zanzibar House of Representatives. This is a roundup of blog posts written by Tanzanian and non-Tanzanian bloggers about the elections.
Cote d'Ivoire: Election News on Twitter
Follow general election taking place on Sunday 31st October 2010 in Cote d'Ivoire on African Elections Project Twitter page.
South Africa: Dear Government
Controversial South Africa radio personality Gareth Cliff writes a letter to the South African government: “OK, I get it, the President isn't the only one in charge. The ANC believes...
Kenya: Will New Constitution Improve Governance?
Will Kenya's new constitution improve governance in the country?: “There are many people who seem to believe that it will not. A prominent journalist was recently quoted in Nairobi's Daily...
Tanzania: Government threatens press before election
Tanzanian government threatens press before election: “As the October 31 national elections draw near, Tanzania's media is in a frenzy trying to cover the close race between the two leading...
Zimbabwe: Big Brother Africa, Mugabe and US$300,000
Big Brother Africa is a television show produced by Endemol in South Africa. The show, which has become the most popular TV reality show in Africa, entered its fifth season with Big Brother Africa All-Stars. After 91 days of stiff and exciting competition, Nigerian musician and actor Uti Nwachukwu was announced the winner of US$200,000. The final two housemates were Nigeria's Uti and Zimbabwe's Munya Chidzonga. Although Munya lost, he ended up "winning" US$300,000. Follow Zimbabwean bloggers to know what happened.
Ethiopia: On Ethiopian Intellectuals
A critique of Ethiopian intellectuals: “Ethiopian intellectuals are a sick bunch. They are wild and radical. Radical in the sense of acting together as a single unit; wild in the...
Tanzania: Vote Like You Own Your Country
Elsie looks at election related news and events a few days before Tanzanians go to the polls: ” Now, to the serious business: we've got our citizen reporting work cut...
Africa: Africans Turn to Each Other for Expert Advice
Google Baraza – Information for Africa: “How can I write a movie script for Nollywood? How does the stock exchange operate in Johannesburg? What is the recipe for bitter leaf...
Eritrea: The Asmara All Stars
Meet the Asmara All Stars (Eritrean Jazz): “Love their sound! They've been getting a lot of publicity from various websites too. See more about the The Asmara All Stars at...
Zimbabwe: Minister of Commerce and Industry Uses Twitter to Air Frustrations
On October 22, 2010 Zimbabwean blogger Hope noticed a series of fast twitter updates coming from Professor Welshman Ncube, the Zimbabwe Minister of Commerce and Industry and the MDC Secretary General.
Zambia: Zambian Singing Sensation
Bling introduces Zambian singing sensation Salma Dodia: “Salma Dodia's big break came when she featured on JK's Kapiripiri which has been a major hit in Zambia this year.”
Africa: African Science Cafes
On expanding African science cafes: “Science cafes are slowly and steadily spreading across the African continent. Regular cafes are being held in South Africa, Kenya, Uganda, Malawi, Ghana, and Morocco....
Tanzania: Where To Get Tanzania Election News
Where to find Tanzania election news online: “A few weeks ago we told you we started TZelect, an Ushahidi-based platform that aims to collect and discuss reports from East African...
Tanzania: Mobile Phone in Zanzibar Elections
The Zanzibar Electoral Commission is going to run a service whereby, on the days running up to the election, people can find out exactly where the polling station they have...
Tanzania: The Opposition Can Win Presidential Election
Chambi Chachage thinks that the opposition can win the presidential election in Tanzania: “It is quite clear that Dr. Wilbrod Slaa’s decision to run as a presidential candidate has tilted...
Zimbabwe: Blackbook Launches a Shout Box
Zimbabwe blackbook has launched a shout box, a web page were people can say their opinions, debate, ask a question and say what they want in addition to make their...
Zimbabwe: When Will Zimbabwean Diaspora Return?
“When will Zimbabwean diaspora return?,” Glow asks: “…there is a niggling part of me that wonders how real change can come in Zimbabwe when such a large part of its...