Latest posts by Ndesanjo Macha from July, 2009
Africa: New dates for African Bloggers Conference announced
New dates for African Bloggers Conference, Kelele ‘09, have been announced. Kelele ‘09 was scheduled for August 13th-16th, 2009. The conference, which will bring together African bloggers for the first time, will now take place from 29th October - 1st November 2009 in Nairobi, Kenya.
Ethiopia: Live discussion of the film “The Market Maker”
Follow live discussion of the film “The Market Maker”: The Market Maker follows Eleni Gabre-Madhin, a charismatic Ethiopian economist who, in an effort to end hunger in her famine-plagued country,...
Africa: New date for African Bloggers’ Conference
The new date for Kelele 2009 (first conference for African bloggers) has been announced: “We are now pleased to announce that the inaugural Kelele, Bloggers Conference will take place in...
Africa: Challenges for African language study in America
A podcast from African Online Digital Library about challenges and possibilities for African language study in America.
Gabon: Gabon Election 2009 on Twitter
Gabon Election 2009 in English and French on Twitter. The page is maintained by a citizen journalist from Gabon: Young Gabonese, Citi. Journalist, DigitActivist,waiting 4 free elections, peace and prosperity...
Africa: Blogging the trial of Charles Taylor
Former Liberian President Charles Taylor is facing 11 charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity at the Special Court for Sierra Leone, which is being held at the Hague, Netherlands. There are two blog specifically covering Charles Taylor trial: The Trial of Charles Taylor - International Criminal Justice in the Making, which is made up of a team of monitors from the global litigation practice of Clifford Chance LLP and the Trial of Charles Taylor, a project of Open Society Justice Initiative.
Zambia: Discrimination case postponed until October
HIV discrimination case in Zambia has been moved to October: “This morning we learned that the judge in the case has decided to attend an international conference and thus has...
Zambia: HIV Discrimination case round 2
Latest update about the HIV discrimination case in Zambia: “After an almost eight week delay, we expect to start the trial of 2 former employees of the Zambian Air Force...
Republic of Congo: Voters want peace and stability
Elie Smith sums up voters’ expectations in the presidential elections in the Republic of Congo: “Most voters today said, their main motivation to vote was to consolidate peace and stability...
Africa: Vote for Pambazuka News
Sokari urges readers to vote for Pambazuka News, the source of authentic voices of Africa’s social activists and analysts : “For the fifth year running, Pambazuka News has been selected...
Tanzania: Updates for 6th Pan African Reading For All Conference
Updates for the 6th Pan African Reading For All Conference, which will take place in Tanzania: “As you are making your final plans, please include bringing your National Flag for...
Africa: BarCamp Africa moves to Maneno blogging platform
BarCamp Africa has moved to Maneno blogging platform: “We at Maneno are very excited to announce that has now been moved over to the Maneno platform. With this partnership,...
Ghana: Bloggers React to Obama's Speech
President Barack Obama made his first visit to Sub-Saharan Africa and delivered a speech in Accra, Ghana on July 11. The speech has drawn reactions from bloggers around Africa and abroad. Here are some discussions in the blogosphere about the message he had for Africa.
Malawi: Malawi Who Is Who
Nyirenda writes about a plan by the Malawi Government to come up with a list of professionally qualified Malawians who are based abroad to comprise a Malawi Government Publication to...
Africa: Interesting questions for Obama
Rafiki Kenya writes about questions from Africans for Barack Obama: “In the meantime, the White House has shared an interactive map which samples 43 of the more than 5,000 questions...
Ghana: Obama Speech in Ghana
The Benin Epilogue posts full transcript of speech delivered by Barack Obama in Ghana.
South Africa: Table Mountain in New 7 Wonders of Nature competition
Table Mountain in South Africa is nominated for the New 7 Wonders of Nature: “If you live in South Africa there is almost no chance that you don’t know someone...
Ghana: Chocolate for Obama
Does Obama like chocolate? The folks at Divine Chocolate are inviting Pres. Obama to visit and learn more about cocoa farmers in Ghana
Kenya: Circumcision: a question of health or politics?
HIV Kenya discusses HIV and circumcision: “If I were a Kenyan man and someone said, “hey, you could reduce your chances of contracting HIV by 60% if you get circumcised”,...
Kenya: Kenya's women volleyballers begin their campaign
Kenya's women volleyballers are set to begin their campaign to qualify for the World Volleyball championshipd today at Kasarain when they face Senegal in their first match. The match is...
Ghana: Ghana's democracy dividends
Edward Kutsoati discusses Ghana's democracy dividends: Last year, in the midst of the “Obama fever,” another event – by no means as historic as President Barack Obama’s election victory, but...