Latest posts by Ndesanjo Macha from February, 2009
Nigeria: Who You Be?: Nigeria's Bloggers Award
“Who You Be?” is the 2009 Nigeria's Bloggers Award whose nominations started February 24th and will run until March 5th. The bloggers behind the award are four female Nigerian bloggers: Sting, Toluwa, Naijagirl and Geisha (a retired blogger). Who You Be has an official blog where nominations, voting and community building will take place.
D.R of Congo: Listen to Staff Benda Bilili
Jeremy writes about Staff Benda Bilili, a group of paraplegic street musicians who live in and around the grounds of the zoo in Kinshasa, Congo.
Zimbabwe: How Mugabe Steals
Denford Magora reveals how Zimbabwean President, Robert Mugabe amassed wealth during his tenure. I promised a few days ago to share with you information from impeccable sources on just how...
Nigeria: Naijoo: Nigeria's Own Video Sharing Site
Nigeria has its own video sharing site, writes Loy at Startups Nigeria, “If you watch videos from Yahoo! TV, you’re probably going to enjoy Naija’s own video sharing community called...
Kenya: Police harassment of activists
Kenyan Pundit reacts to reports about police harassment of activists, “The report is disturbing to say the very least, not just because it shows you just how paranoid and oppressive...
Nigeria: Listen To Naija Lingo
Naija Lingo has just released a new feature that allows visitors to listen to the pronunciation of words on the word page. Visitors can also upload their own recordings!
Africa: Blogging About Startups, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
If your main source of news and information about Africa is the mainstream media, then you are less likely to know about groundbreaking innovation and entrepreneurship that is taking place on the continent. Thanks to citizen journalists who regularly blog about startups and entrepreneurship in Africa. In this short post, we are listing major blogs, which review, analyse, and promote startups, entrepreneurship and innovation on the African continent. Some of them are only focused on startups while others cover different topics as well.
Zambia: When Will Zambians Be Proud To Be Zambians?
According to Mingell, blogging at Lusaka Times, Zambians are not proud of being Zambians. Why? Read his post to find out the reasons.
Kenya: WhereCampAfrica To Take Place In Nairobi
WhereCampAfrica is a free unconference for geographers, mobile location experts and social cartographers. The event will be held in Nairobi, Kenya on April 4th.
Ghana: Ghana's Most Powerful Women
David Ajao lists Ghana's most powerful women, “The Fourth Republic of Ghana is historical for many reasons. It has more women in higher public office than it has ever had,...
Zimbabwe: Marechera's Love Sonnets
EShuneutics discusses Marechera's Love Sonnets. Dambudzo was a Zimbabwean writer and poet, “Poem III in the Amelia Sonnets, is titled “Her hand my eyes closes”. The closing of the eyes...
Kenya: Google SMS Search In Kenya
Kenyans using Safaricom services can now use Google SMS Search, “Google SMS Search provides access to information through a mobile phone without needing to access the Internet. You simply create...
Africa: Journalists Blogging From Africa
Take at blogs written by journalist blogging from Africa. The list is compiled by Scarlett Lion, “I'd like to make a sort of ongoing list of foreign correspondents in Africa...
Africa: E-Learning Still At Infancy
Remmy blogs about a survey by the Royal Holloway University of London, which shows that helectronic learning (e-Learning) on the continent of Africa is still at infancy.
Zimbabwe: Images From Durban Picket
Sokwanele blog has images from a picket held in Durban, South Africa calling for the release of political prisoners in Zimbabwe.
Zimbabwe: Teachers vow not to return to work
According to Zimbabwean blogger, Conrad Mwanawashe, Zimbabwean teachers will not return to work because the salary promised by the government is not enough. Teachers have not been reporting for duty...
Kenya: Activists Arrested and Beaten
Gukira writes about the arrest and beating of Kenyan activists who were standing outside Parliament in Nairobi. They were hoping to plead with government minister to act swiftly to prevent...
South Africa: Presidents and Sex
Loudrastress discusses sex and South Africa's presidencies following revelations about South Africa's president's multiple sexual partners. L
Kenya: Gays Set Up Support Group
Gays in Kenya have set up a support group for married gay men, reports Rants and Raves of a Kenyan Gay Man. The support group is expected to be “a...
Blogging Gives Kenyan Poetry Larger Meaning And Exposure
Njeri Wangare is a Kenyan poet and blogger based in Nairobi, Kenya. I recently interviewed her at Nairobi Java House in downtown Nairobi and later continued the interview via email. In this interview, Njeri discusses how she has been using her blog, Kenya Poet, to promote artists and art scene in Kenya. Through her blog, she says, she has given Kenyan poetry a larger meaning and exposure.
Zimbabwe: Why Arrest Roy Bennett?
“Why arrest Roy Bennett?,” reads the headline at My Heart's in Accra about the MDC Treasurer General and Deputy Minister of Agriculture designate, Roy Bennett, who was arrested Friday in Harare. He was charged with treason before these charges were dropped and replaced with attempt to commit terrorism, banditry and sabotage. Zimbabwean bloggers and others have not been silent about his arrest. Many bloggers consider the charges against Bennett to be false. One bloggers links his arrest to Mugabe's hatred for white farmers.