Namita Singh is currently pursuing her PhD on Participatory Video in UK. She is a researcher and consultant focused on participatory media. In the past she has written for Tactical Technology Collective, consulted Video Volunteers and the Global Fund for Children, has written a toolkit on Girls’ Media and has been a Video Trainer working with grassroots communities. She studied mass media and mass communication at Delhi University and has a Master of Arts in Social Work from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in Mumbai.
Latest posts by Namita Singh
I Paid A Bribe: An Endeavor in India
“Bribed? Didn't bribe? Powerless? Victimised? Angry?" I Paid a Bribe is encouraging citizens in India to tell their stories of bribery and corruption and is using these stories to identify the most corrupt departments and processes in the country.
India: Monitoring traffic violations on Facebook
A new initiative by the Delhi Traffic Police is highlighting questions of citizen engagement and government use of social media in India.
Technology for Transparency: The South Asian Story
Democracy is still relatively young in South Asia, and not always stable. While politicians in the region are eager to integrate technology into their policy platforms, they are less enthusiastic about its use by activists who want more transparency and accountable governments.