Latest posts by J. Nambiza Tungaraza from October, 2010
Tanzania: Bloggers Analyse Tanzania 2010 Election Campaigns
On 31 October 2010, more than 19.6 million Tanzanians will make an important decision for the future of their country. They will take part in the forth parliamentary and presidential elections since the introduction of multiparty politics. With only a few days left before the polls, Tanzanian blogosphere is following closely election campaigns conducted by various political parties.
Tanzania: The Use of Social Media in 2010 Tanzania General Election
Tanzania will go to the polls on October 30, 2010 and as election campaigns heat up, we are looking at the use new media tools by election candidates. Along with campaign rallies, which target the majority of the population, a small number of politicians have started to use social media tools such as blogs, online videos, Facebook and twitter to create deeper engagement with voters.