Latest posts by Muhammad Karim
South Africa: Happy Birthday Tata Nelson Mandela
One of the world's greatest icons of the modern age, Nelson Mandela, known fondly in South Africa as Tata [father] Madiba, celebrated his 94th birthday today. His birthday has not only been celebrated offline but also online as Muhammad Karim shows.
South Africa: The Blogosphere's Take on ANC's 100 Years
The African National Congress (ANC) has just celebrated its 100 years in existence in South Africa, moving from a radical resistance movement to the leading political party in the country. Bloggers' views are as diverse as the country itself.
South Africa: Malema is Out, What's Next?
South Africa's most controversial character and politician Julius Malema has been suspended from the ANC for five years. Malema is regarded by his supporters as the genuine voice of the poor in South Africa particularly with his call for nationalisation of South African mines.
South Africa's Continuous Struggle With Race
A change of government and the destruction of an entire political, cultural, social and economic system like that of Apartheid does not necessarily guarantee the destruction of its legacy. The last couple of months have seen South Africa go through an interesting dilemma and debate with regards to its race relations.
South Africa: Bloggers’ take on Wikileaks
Like much of the world of late, everyone has been affected by the revelations contained in WikiLeaks cables. South Africa is no exception. Here's South African bloggers' take on WikiLeaks.
South Africa: Zapiro's “Muhammad” Cartoon Controversy
Zapiro, South Africa's premier cartoonist, known for his controversial style in picking on politicians and commenting on societies issues, has come into the limelight in South Africa for jumping on the “Draw Muhammad Day” bandwagon.
South Africa: Build up to the World Cup
With 20 days left to the the greatest spectacle showcasing the “beautiful game” in South Africa, there has been a lot of preparation going on behind the scenes and a lot of talk in the South African blogosphere on various issues surrounding the World Cup.
South Africa: On the murder of the leader of Afrikaner Resistance Movement
On the night of the 3rd of April 2010, the leader of the Afrikaans Weerstandsbeweging (AWB), an Afrikaner resistance movement, Eugene Terre'Blanche, was murdered. What do South Africa's digital citizens have to say about his death and the future of race relations in South Africa?
South Africa: Julius Malema's Reverse Racism
While the antics of President Zuma have always generated intense and lively debate in the South African blogosphere, this time it is the controversial politician and the president of the African National Congress Youth League, Julius Malema, who's making headlines. Recently, Malema led students in singing an old Anti-Apartheid struggle song called Kill the Boer.
South Africa: What do bloggers think of Zuma's child out of wedlock?
I will keep it simple: The South African President Jacob Zuma has had a child out of wedlock despite having 3 wives of his own. What do South African bloggers think of a president with 3 wives, who has been married 5 times and now has a child out of wedlock?
South Africa: The Polygamist President – “Doing a ‘Zuma'”
The President of South Africa has decided, once again, to marry. The number is up to 5 this time with recent news saying he's engaged to his sixth. The man moves fast, and works fast too... he is now up to 18 children and with a new wife I think we can expect more. Here's what the South African bloggers say.
South Africa: Controversial Health Minister Dies and Twitter Goes Wild
South Africa's former Health Minister, Manto Tshabalala-Msimang passed away recently. Manto was not a stranger to controversy with dodgy views on managing HIV-AIDS using beetroot, garlic, lemons and African potatoes. She never ceased to be a favourite topic in the mainstream media and indeed the blogosphere and twittersphere.
South Africa: Yet Another Jacob Zuma Fiasco…
The hottest topic circulating the South African blogosphere is none other than the infamous Jacob Zuma (yes, him again). This time, the ANC President is making headlines not for any more embarrassing or inappropriate conduct but for clearly dodging of the charges (783 of them) made against him in an eight-year long running fraud case against him.
South Africa: Dude, Where's the Presidency?
The South African Blogosphere just sparked with the recent news of 11 Ministers and 3 deputy ministers resigning including South Africa's star minister, Trevor Manuel and The Deputy President, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka. Here's what the bloggers are saying...
South African Cartoonist Takes on ANC President
ANC President, Jacob Zuma, was recently back in the headlines as his trial on charges for corruption, amongst other things, was thrown out of court to the dismay of many South Africans but also to the cheer of his millions of supporters, particularly from parties allied to the ANC. Parallel to this, Jonathan Shapiro a.k.a. Zapiro, South Africa's foremost political cartoonist had Zuma in his sights as he published a controversial cartoon in the Sunday Times.
South Africa: Bloggers need to do more than just write
A few South African bloggers are thinking about positive steps to take with regard to the current xenophobia crisis in South Africa. Stii asks, “What can we as bloggers do about the Xenophobia crisis?” and Mike Stopforth calls on South African bloggers to do something. Meanwhile, Afrigator has launched a special Xenophobia Crisis Page.
Xenophobia Plagues South Africa
Extremely violent attacks on foreigners in South Africa in the last days have stirred the entire South African media and of course… blogs. Individual bloggers question whether the government is right to call these attacks "xenophobic", and criticize the media for being too event driven to address the causes behind the violence.
South Africa: The Praise and Fall of Thabo Mbeki
South African President, Thabo Mbeki, is keeping bloggers increasingly active with his recent position on the situation in Zimbabwe, and bloggers are taking him to task. Here's a run-down of blogposts around the issue.
South Africa: Mbeki, No Crisis in Zimbabwe?
South African Bloggers are up in arms regarding the recent events in Zimbabwe as well as President Thabo Mbeki's statement recently that “There is no crisis in Zimbabwe”. This is a round-up of a few rants on the Zimbabwe situation and its affect on South Africans.
The South African Blog Awards
On April 2nd, The South African Blog Awards were held in Cape Town to a great turnout of bloggers and also some very inspired winners. This is a summary of posts about the award from South African bloggers.
South Africa: We'll argue with our parents and play video games!
Earlier this week, President Thabo Mbeki proposed that an oath be recited by school children every day in a nation-building effort. Breaking News says that the Opposition Democratic Alliance Leader, Jack Bloom, had welcomed the effort. However, South African bloggers have another idea entirely.