Moussa Bashir · August, 2011

Latest posts by Moussa Bashir from August, 2011

Lebanon: Smoking Banned

“The Lebanese Parliament endorsed a law that bans smoking in public or closed spaces. The law also bans any sort of tobacco advertising and promotions….” reports Moudz, who added that “Non-smokers have been overjoyed today with the news filling up the social timelines with their expressions of approval.”

Lebanon: Special Tribunal Unseals Indictment

“The first question that comes to mind is: is this it? After nearly six years of investigation, does the case truly rest solely on telecommunications data? What about witness testimony? Forensics? DNA analysis? Magnifying glasses and trench coats?” asks Qifa Nabki while summarizing the indictment and posting his first reaction...

Lebanon: Tips for Tourists

“We still have seriously no clue how our country is still going, while we're still sure it's a great place, to be in,” writes Toom Extrain a humorous post of sarcastic tips for tourists visiting Lebanon. Toom Extra (Ar) translates to Extra Garlic.

Lebanon: Checkpoint Detention

Danielle at This is Beirut writes about her experience during the detention and release of her friend (for a couple of hours) at a security checkpoint, as they were returning to Beirut after a day at a winery in the Bekaa Valley.

Lebanon: On Mahmoud Abbas’ Upcoming Visit

Bissan writes (Ar) that because she believes in, among other things, the Palestinian Right to Return and that Palestine belongs to the Arab nation, she therefore opposes the upcoming visit of Mahmoud Abbas to Lebanon as well as the prospective Palestinian state intended to be voted upon at the UN.

Lebanon: 3G Internet Not Before 2012

Najib posts that the long anticipated internet connection speed upgrade in Lebanon will not take place in the next few weeks as was previously reported. He mentions that Lebanon will not be getting 3G technology before 2012 and after passing through three stages which he lists.

Lebanon: Cellphone Cameras for Crowd-Sourcing

A crowd-sourcing campaign was launched in Lebanon titled: “Cheyif 7alak” [Arabic for “Do you see yourself”]. It calls on people to use their cellphone cameras (or any others) to shoot any wrong doings they encounter everyday, posts the Lebanese Inner Circle.