Latest posts by Mong Palatino from June, 2008
Thailand: Casino's new name
To minimize criticism, Thailand's Prime Minister said the government is building an entertainment complex, not a casino. Blogger The Farang is not amused.
Big Foot in Sarawak?
Is Big Foot in Sarawak? A pair of giant footprints in a village in Sarawak was discovered by residents and is gaining some attention.
Myanmar: Aung San Suu Kyi's birthday
Myanmar police arrested members of the National League for Democracy who were “celebrating” the 63rd birthday of detained leader Aung San Suu Kyi.
Myanmar: Foreign doctors are now leaving
The Irrawaddy reports that foreign doctors are now leaving the cyclone refugee camps of Myanmar
Myanmar: Kyan Hmaw village
Before Cyclone Nargis hit Myanmar last month, the village of Kyan Hmaw was inhabited by 1,316 people. Now, according to Ashin Mettacara, only 332 people are living in the community.
Myanmar: Cyclone survivors arrested for complaining
ko-htike uploads an article which reported that Myanmar survivors were arrested after making complaints about the conditions in refugee camps
Vietnam: Ex-Prime Minister Vo Van Kiet passes away
Lemon Juice Bruce mentions the initial reactions of world leaders over the death of former Vietnamese Prime Minister Vo Van Kiet.
Malaysia: “No to handpicked successor”
Tunku believes that Malaysia's next leader should not be a “handpicked successor.” The position should be contested in the polls.
Malaysia: Handover of term
The Brooding Lizard reacts to the report that the Malaysian Prime Minister has agreed to a handover or transfer of power early next year.
Philippines: Journalists abducted
A TV reporter and her crew were abducted in Southern Philippines by armed bandits. Anito Kid blogs about the kidnapping. Molly Stories suggests ways on how to prevent future kidnapping...
“Malaysia is a powder keg”
Because of the sudden oil price hikes, blogger Chemical Generation in Singapore warns that “Malaysia is a powder keg unless the government makes a u-turn, or a great propaganda spin”
Singapore: Helping the poor cope with high oil prices
Ephraim enumerates some of the steps taken by the Singapore government to help the poor cope with rising food and energy prices
Singapore: Rising food prices
Malaysia’s decision to hike oil prices affected the food prices in Singapore, as reported by Simply Jean
Malaysia: Escalating fuel protests
Fuel protests are escalating in Malaysia today. A few days ago, the opposition managed to gather thousands of people in the streets as protest to the Malaysian government's move to reduce fuel subsidies and raise fuel prices.
Malaysia: Oil subsidy
Noname's blog reviews the oil subsidy policy of Malaysia
Indonesia: Mud volcano
Mikhail Tsyganov blogs about the “largest mud volcano disaster in the world” in East Java, Indonesia
Cluster bombs in Laos fields
Rambling spoon links to an article which tackles the risks of farming in Laos where many fields are still littered with bombs.
Cambodia: Save fuel on cars
Borin's Blog gives tips to Phnom Penh drivers on how to save fuel on their cars
Brunei: What’s wrong with an Arab scarf?
Katie-Ella is disappointed that right-wing U.S.-based bloggers are associating the use of a traditional Arab scarf with mainstreaming violence.
Bangkok Transit System
gnarlykitty wonders whether the BTS in Thailand “is a convenient form of transportation or a giant metallic monster ready to munch you alive?”
Indonesia: ‘Front Pembela Islam’
Ketelarebus from Indonesia writes that employing violence is not justified even for the sake of God.