Latest posts by Mohamed Nanabhay from April, 2007
Qatar: The 3rd AlJazeera International Documentary Film Festival
AlJazeera Talk are live blogging the the 3rd AlJazeera International Documentary Film Festival that is being held at the Doha Sheraton. The four-day film fesival (which is free and open...
Qatari PM jokes about throwing a party when AlJazeera is closed
jane01 is uneasy about the Qatari Prime Minister's recent “joke” about throwing a party when AlJazeera is closed down because of the headache it has caused him as Foreign Minister....
Introducing the Qatari Blogosphere
“A little country with big heart” is how camper described the tiny (but rich) State of Qatar on its last independence day. While that's a nice quaint description, many in...