Latest posts by Michael Castro
Puerto Rico, USA: Reactions to Sotomayor's Nomination
The nomination of Sonia Sotomayor for the Supreme Court of the United States has brought mixed reactions from diverse sectors. Being of Puerto Rican descent, blogger reactions from the island have been mostly full of joy and pride.
Puerto Rico: License to Kill Trees
The recent administrative order by Puerto Rico's Secretary of Agriculture has created a shock wave of reactions in the blogosphere. In the island of Puerto Rico if a person had to cut down a tree he/she had to request permission form the island's Department of Natural Resources - that was until recently, when the Secretary of the Agency issued an administrative order that automatically grants a "fast track" permission to anyone who wishes to cut a tree.
Puerto Rico: Real ID is really intrusive
Puerto Rican bloggers are calling attention to the government's latest deed, the application of the Real ID Act to the island's drivers. The Real ID, which has come under fire by many states in the mainland US, is one of the measures implemented by President Bush's administration to "fight terrorism".
Puerto Rico: Daddy Yankee Endorses John McCain
Puerto Rico is in the spotlight due to a recent endorsement by recording artist Daddy Yankee. Even though he is not as well known on the island, than in other parts of Latin America, U.S. presidential candidate capitalized on his fame for campaign purposes at an event in an Arizona high school.