Latest posts by Matthew Hunte from January, 2013
Hotel Development near the Pitons Raises Concerns in St. Lucia
A planned hotel development near the Pitons in Saint Lucia has fueled more debate about the way to balance development with cultural and environmental concerns. The proposed “eco-luxury” development is “Freedom Bay”, which plans to include a five-star hotel in addition to private residences.
Trinidad & Tobago: Proper Procurement Practice
In part one of a two-part series on governance and integrity in Tobago, Afra Raymond examines the Tobago House of Assembly project.
Guyana: Literary Controversy
Writer Ruel Johnson has expressed concern at what he considers to be possible case of nepotism at Caribbean Press, a publishing company owned by the government of Guyana: When I saw...
Guyana: Minimum Wage and Inflation
The welfare of the working poor who have seen their purchasing power steadily eroded in the past ten years, or what one must consider, after reviewing the facts, as phantom...
Guyana: Modern Architecture and the State of The Nation
Now why would the toga wearing Vitruvius have anything relevant to say about modern day Guyana architecture …until one considers the proliferation in this far away land of Roman columns....
Belize, St. Vincent: Garifuna Culture
…the Garifuna language, which integrates Arawak and Carib, and which was declared a ‘masterpiece of the oral intangible heritage of humanity’ by UNESCO in 2001, is severely threatened. It possesses...