Soy Martyn, de London, inglaterra. En 2011 me fui a vivir, trabajar y a conocer Mexico en donde vivi en Distrito Federal (Mexico City) por un ano.
Mi principal razon para irme a Mexico fue para aprender espanol. Mi objetivo es seguir aprendiendo y mejorando mi espanol.
Espero que les vayan bien y que disfruten mis posts.
Latest posts by Martyn Davies
For Some Mexicans, a Presidential Hopeful Bears Worrying Similarities to Venezuela's Maduro
"It's no wonder people continue to believe in AMLO, if in Venezuela there are still those that continue believe in Nicolás Maduro, there are naive people everywhere"
With Romance and Nostalgia, This Comic Is Taking on Corruption in Mexico
"Readers will find stories written in colloquial language that will inform them about the problem of corruption and of how the National Anticorruption System works."
Can the End of War Mean the Beginning of Peace in Colombia?
After more than fifty years of war, a divided Colombia will face a referendum next month on a peace agreement that could be a historic milestone.
If You Doubt Peru's National Confidence, Just Check Out Its Cherished Military Parade
The parade has taken place in many different settings. It now takes place in centric Brasil Avenue, with some spectators arriving before sunrise to ensure they get seats.
An Alleged Male Prostitution Ring Ignites Debate About Privacy and Journalism Ethics in Colombia
"By publishing the video of the ex-deputy minister, you have made yourself I would argue an example of what future journalists should NOT do."
In Spanish, Inclusive Language Can Be at Odds With Grammar Rules
"Being contained and invisible within masculine nouns forces women to ask themselves the same question thousands of times throughout their lives: 'Are they speaking about me?'"
From Hallacas to Horchata, the Tastes of Latin America's Holiday Season
“Vitello tonnato” in Argentina, Russian salad in Venezuela and turkey in Peru. Explore the sweet and savory of the festive season in Latin America, as told by Global Voices contributors.