Latest posts by Marietta Le from December, 2011
Hungary: Presidents in Correspondence, Journalist in Blind Copy
Attila Mong, a Hungarian journalist, has obtained and published on his blog the letter sent by José Manuel Barroso, the president of the European Commission, to the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orbán. Marietta Le reports.
Hungary: Public Media Trade Union Leaders on Hunger Strike
Redjade, a Hungary-based activist, published a video interview [en] with Balázs Nagy-Navarro, the leader of the public media trade union. Nagy-Navarro went on hunger strike with two of his colleagues...
Hungary: Solidarity With the Homeless and the Poor
Many citizen actions have been organized in the past weeks in Budapest in protest against the modification of the law that frames homelessness as an offence punishable with a €530 fine or imprisonment. Marietta Le reports.