Latest posts by Marianna Breytman from October, 2014
#LeyChavez: Peru's Chavez Law Could Endanger Email Privacy in the Workplace
The bill popularly known as #LeyChavez would regulate the use of information technology in the workplace. But how invasive is the bill?
Mexican University Students Go On Strike Over Ayotzinapa Tragedy
"They were taken alive, we want them back alive!" The student community in Mexico shows their solidarity for the missing students of Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, which remains unresolved.
Argentinian Motorcylists Fight Against Discriminatory Regulations
New security measures imposed on Argentinian motorcyclists have generated an unexpectedly strong protest movement.
Trailblazing ‘Soda Pop Anthology’ Showcases Comics by Puerto Rican Women
The anthology, published by Soda Pop Comics, an indie studio of female comics writers, wants to bring greater visibility and acceptance for women creators.
An Interview With Silvia Viñas, True Citizen of the World
Let's get to know Silvia Viñas, former Global Voices Latin America editor who has lived throughout the region and Spain.
Why Do So Many Women in Mexico Give Birth Via Caesarean Section?
In Mexico, nine out of ten births in private hospitals and four out of ten in public hospitals are performed via C-section, according to figures from National Health Information System.
La Respuesta, an Online Magazine by and for the Millions of Puerto Ricans Living in the US
"One of our core values is to look critically at oppressive elements such as colonialism, racism, trans/ homophobia, sexism..." explains Xavier Burgo Peña, editor and co-founder of "La Respuesta."