Latest posts by Marianna Breytman from July, 2013
Two Spanish Aid Workers Freed After 21 Months in Captivity
Montserrat Serra and Blanca Thiebaut were building a hospital in Dadaab, Kenya, within the largest refugee camp in the world, when they were abducted.
Puerto Rico is a Key Link in Espionage of Latin American Countries
What did Edward Snowden reveal about Puerto Rico's role in the NSA's espionage program? Author Angel Carrión tells us.
Venezuela's President Offers Asylum to Edward Snowden
Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro offered political asylum to Edward Snowden, creating controversy within and outside of the country, in addition to intensifying tense relations with the United States of America.
“Tweet-debate” on the Benefits and Drawbacks of Citizen Journalism
The Press Association of Madrid organized a debate on Twitter about citizen journalism in its third "Tweet-debate" of the #Tuitsyperiodigno (#Tweetsanddignifiedjournalism) cycle put forth by the association with the goal of addressing various aspects of journalism.