Latest posts by Marianna Breytman from August, 2011
Spain: Racism and Intolerance Advance Relentlessly
In Europe, xenophobia advances at an immense rate. Author Ana Lucía Sá writes about the situation of immigrants in Spain, the invisibility of the issue of racism and hate crimes in public discourse, and offers comments and analysis from bloggers and organizations that work against racism.
Mexico Mourns Casino Royale Victims on Twitter
The attack and fire in Casino Royale in Monterrey, Mexico, resulted in 52 casualties, in another event further tied to violence from organized crime. Twitter users look for their relatives and friends, and cry over this tragedy.
Spain: Pope's Visit Leaves a Violent Trace in Madrid
On August 17, Europe Laica (Secular Europe) brought together over 150 organizations to protest in Madrid against the public financing of Pope Benedict XVI's visit. Police repression and acts of violence took over the capital's streets. The Pope's visit also brought to bear the debate between state secularism and religion.
Spain: Brutal Police Repression Against Journalists Covering “Secular March”
Pope Benedicto XVI's recent visit to Spain sparked a civil "Secular March" in protest against the use of public funds for religious acts in a secular state. The encounters between secular and religious individuals resulted in a wave of police repression against the journalists covering the events. Global Voices presents a selection of videos of the protests.
Colombia: The FTA With the United States From the Blogosphere
With the pact signed in Washington to increase the debt ceiling, the United States Congressional leaders returned to the topic of the free trade agreement (FTA) with Panama, South Korea and Colombia. Since this is precisely a topic that has been in discussion for years, the free trade agreement one has attracted more critics than sympathizers in the Colombian blogosphere.