Latest posts by Mahina Shodizoda from November, 2013
“I have Dreams of My Own”: Revolting Against Patriarchy in Kazakhstan
A Kazakhstani blogger writes [ru] about her transformation from a “wife and mother”, the role that the patriarchal society reserves for women, to a “free woman”. She calls the process...
Kazakhstan's Facebook Rival Groups Members by Tribe
How do you create a social networking platform that would be popular in society dominated by Facebook and Odnoklassniki? In Kazakhstan, the answer is tribe. Rulas [Kazakh for “tribemate”], a new...
Soviet Environmental Posters
Skyfall presents [ru] a collection of environmental posters from the Soviet period. The blogger who often writes about environmental problems in Kazakhstan and some of his readers are nostalgic about the “environmental education...
Kazakhstan's “Bilingual” Currency Turns Twenty
Kazakhstan has recently marked the twentieth birthday of the national currency, the tenge. Blogger Serikzhan Kovlanbayev presents [ru] a brief history of the tenge, showing how it has changed since 1993...
Tajikistan: The Elections Boycott That Wasn't
During the months leading to Tajikistan's presidential polls, the idea of a boycott of the elections was popular among social media users. Why has the boycott not happened?