Latest posts by Lova Rakotomalala from September, 2013
Europe Warns French Minister over Statement Regarding Roma Community
Les derniers propos du Ministre français de l'Intérieur, Manuel Valls ont relancé la polémique au niveau des rapports houleux entre la France et les Roms, en France et en Europe.
In The Central African Republic, “We Still Hope to Live Together In Peace”
As the conflict between the rebels of Sékéla and the national army of the Central african Republic rages on, tension mounts in the city of Bossangoa. Locals fear that the...
90% of Madagascar Lives On Less Than Two Dollars a Day. Why?
This chapter of our analysis of the crisis in Madagascar discusses the under-covered causes of the economic decline of the island and the proposed solutions.
Will Madagascar's Upcoming Elections Solve the Island's Crisis?
Madagascar has suffered five political crises in four decades, with the island still reeling from its latest coup d'etat in 2009. Can elections finally pull the country out?
“I Know A Rapist”: The Blog that Won't Stay Silent
A Tumblr blog collects testimonies [fr] of people who know a sexual predator. The “About” page of the site states that the goal is to show that rapists are not...
A Mayor's Struggle Against The Pillaging of Bangui, Central African Republic
Catherine Samba-Panza does not waiver in the face of the ongoing massive struggle before her. Olivier Tallès reports [fr] that the Mayor of Bangui was powerless witnessing the looting and vandalizing...
Assassination Attempt Against Burkina Faso President
Romuald Tuina (also spelled Tuyna) an ex-deserted soldier was killed after he opened fire [fr] on the office of the president of Burkina Faso Blaise Campaoré, Mathieu Somda reports. Tuina was in...
Meet Aminata Touré, the New Iron Lady of Senegal
Aminata Touré was introduced as the new prime minister of Senegal after Abdoul Mbaye was dismissed by president Macky Sall [fr]. Assirou News states that [fr] Touré is a human...