Latest posts by Lova Rakotomalala from August, 2013
‘Rewire': How to Be a Better Media Consumer
Commentary from around the French-speaking Web on serendipity and cosmopolitanism, two key concepts found in the book 'Rewire' by Global Voices co-founder Ethan Zuckerman.
Skype and Other Voice Over IP Banned in Comoros
Skype and other voice over IP that allows online phone conversation are now suspended in Comoros. The website reports [fr] : The state-owned company Comores Telecom just officially banned any type...
Congolese Teacher Pushed Out of Moving Police Van in Morocco, Dies
The death of Toussaint-Alex Mianzoukouta, a french teacher in Tanger is symptomatic of increasing brutality towards sub Saharan immigrants from the Moroccan police, Afrik Online reports [fr]. Mianzoukouta was not given...
Madagascar Agency Suspended from Network Tracking Money Laundering
Lambo T. reports [fr] on the website of La Gazette de La Grande Ile that Samifin [mg], the agency in charge of cleaning up the financial sector and combat transnational illegal operations in...
Tchip: The “Shaking My Head” Meme from Africa
Nadéra Bouazza explains what being “tchippée” [fr] means for french speaking black communities. Tchip is the sound one makes when he/she disapproves of the behavior/action of someone else (roughly similar to the “shaking...
News Websites Indicted over Land Grab Report
News Websites Rue89 and Basta Mag are indicted [fr] following charges by French investment and industrial holding group Bolloré over a report in which they implicate Bolloré [fr] in land grab activities [fr] in Africa....
Mali Looks for Fresh Start with Presidential Race Down to Two
Former Prime Minister Ibrahima Boubacar Keita and challenger Soumaïla Cissé will face off in a second round of elections.