Latest posts by Lova Rakotomalala from January, 2012
Madagascar: After the Land Grab Affair, Is Daewoo Back in the Country ?
Sam posts an open letter to Andry Rajoelina written by Mamy Rakotondrainibe that demands more transparency on the return of Daewoo Logistics in the economy of Madagascar [fr]. Mahefa Rakotomalala provides...
Madagascar, Ethiopia: Arable Lands on Sale
The association “Collectif TANY” for the Protection of Land in Madagascar has published an exhaustive list of the instances of Land Grab by foreign entities in Madagascar [fr]. They warn...
From Sidi Bouzid to Kinshasa: Francophone Africa in 2011
The usual year-end review would hardly do justice to the epic changes that have turned Francophone Africa upside down, driven by the collective courage of its citizens who often faced violent repression while striving for emancipation from various dictatorships. Through the eyes of local citizen media, here are the highlights of 2011.