Lova Rakotomalala · August, 2010

Latest posts by Lova Rakotomalala from August, 2010

Madagascar: The Undercover Investigations That Exposed Rosewood Trafficking from the Rain Forest

  20 August 2010

One of the consequences of the enduring political crisis in Madagascar is its punishing impact on the environment. The investigation of activists specialized in conservation and protection of the environment was instrumental in documenting the crimes and holding the government accountable for protecting Malagasy natural resources. Here are there reflections on the initiatives:

France: Racism and Politics

  19 August 2010

Following a speech from French president Sarkozy that France ought to consider stripping delinquents of their citizenship and the planned expulsion of groups of Roma people back to Rumania and Bulgaria, the UN Comittee on the Elimination of Racial dDiscrimination (CERD) denounced a "recrudescence of racism and xenophobia" in France. Bloggers weigh in on the tense social scene in France.

Lova Rakotomalala's space

Jeslyn Lemke, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Multimedia Journalism
Communication Department