Latest posts by Lova Rakotomalala from July, 2008
Madagascar:Fistula and Early Marriages.
Mialy, a blogger in Antananarivo, describes the plight of young married girls in rural areas who are subject to health and social concerns stemming from early pregnancy (fr). She explains...
Madagascar: Family planning, baby-weighing and gospel choir.
Jayne Taylor Gaubatz, a Peace Corps volunteer blogger in the southern city of Fianaratsoa, describes the impact of a well-done family planning poster, the importance of baby weighing in tandem...
Death Penalty for Malagasy Farmers over Land Dispute
Twenty one farmers from the locality of Ankorondrano-Analavory (90 km west of Antananarivo) were sentenced by the state because of a collective act of rebellion that stemmed from a dispute over land ownership. An online campaign for clemency for the farmers and conversations about the verdicts are taking place, keeping online forums users and blogs busy.