Latest posts by Lourdes Sada
Stories from a flooded planet: The impacts of floods from the perspectives of eight authors
Eight Global Voices authors from around the world spoke on how their lives have been affected by flooding, showing that the differences in our experiences might be mainly their latitude and longitude.
Spain's scandal-hit former king leaves the country
Spaniards reacted on Twitter with the hashtag #RepúblicaYa or #GraciasMajestad
“Parental pin”: the Spanish far-right's fight to control public education
The Spanish political party Vox is demanding the right to prevent their children from being educated about feminism, equality or sexual diversity.
Catalonian football team expelled from competition after players insult female squad
"It seems that every time #futfem takes a step forward, some men have to come out their caves and make a scene"."Iros a la cocina, iros a fregar, sois unas mierdas, sois unas guarras": así insultaron los veteranos del Terrassa FC a sus compañeras del equipo femenino.
With the provisional release of accused gang rapists, many ask if Spain is trivializing violence against women
"Not every man is a rapist, nevertheless, now that the five men charged with sexual abuse have been released from jail, we all become potential victims."
In Spain, the “la manada” sexual assault case verdict triggers mass protests
"A group of five men cornered and raped a woman, and then filmed and shared it. However, the courts decided that it was not a rape."
Millions of People Take to the Streets in the Largest Show of Support for the Feminist Struggle in Spain's History
Almost six million people joined the international strike on March 8, and hundreds of thousands took to the streets to demand firm measures against gender discrimination and sexist violence.
Photoshopped Image of Christ Reveals Limits of Spain's Right to Free Expression
The fine imposed on a young man from Andalucia opened an intense debate about censorship in Spain.
Scrutiny and Doubt Over Rape Victim's Testimony Sparks Outrage in Spain
"Not content with raping us, men also have to tell us how to behave before, during and after the rape."
Pesesín and His Neighbours: A Tale of Community Spirit in Spain
Neighbourhoods are usually in the news because of hostilities, but this community in Gijón, Spain gave an example of solidarity by caring for a pet whose owner was travelling.
War Between Spain and the UK Over Gibraltar? Social Media Says No Way, José!
"Why would we want Gibraltar, if we can't already exit a roundabout driving on the right imagine us on the opposite side!!!"
Spain's Archbishop of Valencia and His Crusade Against the ‘Gay Empire’
An LGBT rights advocacy group has filed a formal complaint with the district attorney for hate crimes “for his homophobic and sexist comments that only serve to incite hatred."
European Union Signs Controversial Deal to Deport Refugees to Turkey
The EU will turn asylum seekers of all nationalities except Syrian back to Turkey, and accept one Syrian refugee for each refugee turned back.
Europe Negotiates With Turkey to Slam the Door on Refugees
"Europe’s concern goes no further than guarding its external borders and containing people within Turkey – depriving vulnerable people and children fleeing war and persecution from seeking asylum in Europe..."
Stranger Than Fiction? Two Puppeteers Charged With ‘Glorifying Terrorism’ in Spain
"Following this legal reasoning, Francis Ford Coppola could be charged for the crimes that happen in The Godfather."
Spaniards Fired up Over Photo of Bullfighter With a Baby in His Arms
From "irresponsible" to "guardian of traditions": A photo of a popular matador fighting a heifer with his baby in his arms provokes a strong and mixed reaction in Spain.
Molenbeek, the Complex Reality of a Community Vilified by the Media
In the heart of the Belgian capital lies Molenbeek-Saint-Jean, a low-income community with a connection to those suspected of carrying out the attacks on Paris and other acts of violence.
Hungarian Journalist Kicking Syrian Refugees Rouses Disapproval and Outrage Worldwide
In the video, the journalist can be seen kicking two children and tripping up a refugee carrying a child in his arms, causing him to drop the child.
The Internet Laughs at Spanish President Rajoy's Ignorance About His Country's Debt
Mariano Rajoy's blunders when talking about Spain's foreign debt have made netizens wonder how much he really knows about the reality of the country he governs.
Lesbian Fleeing Persecution in Cameroon Finally Receives Asylum in Spain
Although Spain is one of the world's more tolerant countries in regards to LGBT rights, its governmental institutions are not as inclined to granting asylum.
Balloons Released in Brussels in Support of Jailed Iranian Student Hamid Babaei
Ever since the tribulations of Hamid Babaei and his wife began, his classmates at Liège and in Brussels have shown them unrelenting solidarity.