Layal Al Khatib

I am a Lebanese, Web Developer, Editor at RTL This, MENA Author and Arabic Lingua
at Global Voices Online…interested in anything
social/technical in the Middle East.

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Latest posts by Layal Al Khatib

Lebanon: Interview with the “Brofessional Review”

Nine months ago, a group of graduates teamed up to start a blog tackling everything related to design called “Brofessional Review”. Now, with more than 100 reviews in their archive, readers look forward to their posts/opinions whenever a new brand, advertising campaign or promo hits the market. Global Voices Online interviewed them to know more about what they do.

Lebanon: Complete Blackout

Two of the major power plants, Zahrani and Deir-Ammar, in Lebanon suffered from “unknown” technical difficulties, which plunged most of the country into complete darkness. While some citizens took to the streets blocking roads in protest, netizens took to their keyboards to express their frustration.

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lebanese nightS | ليال لبنانية:
