Born in 1974 in Bangladesh, graduated in English literature, doing a job with a non-government organization, love information technology and social media, have passion for creative writing, a part time sleeping pig, and a full time workaholic geek – love only downpour, cloudy sky and storm. To build communities I wander through a wide-range of platforms such as Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and other tools. I provide professional consultancy for social media to engage people, connect institutions with audiences and create networks between agents involved in public policy from the highest levels to the social bases.
Latest posts by Kowshik Ahmed
Bangladesh: Keep Border Open For Rohingya Refugees
After a recent sectarian violence between Rohingya and Rakhine in Western Myanmar, Bangladesh has restricted the influx of Rohingya refugees crossing borders. Bangladeshi netizens questions the decision of the government on humane grounds, though admitting as well that the country is incapable of hosting more refugees.
Bangladesh: Journalists Advised to Stay Away From Police
The year 2012 has particularly been a bad year for Bangladeshi journalists. A number of them were subjected to police brutality while on duty, violently assaulted and even murdered by miscreants. The netizens have joined the journalists in protest.
Bangladesh: Questions Over Indian ‘Tourism City’ Investment Proposal
The story of a 10 Billion Taka (US$120 million) investment in Bangladesh has made it into the country's headlines, following a visit by Subrata Roy Sahara, chairman of Sahara India Pariwar, one of India's largest business conglomerates. The group are planning to develop a 40 square kilometre housing project situated approximately 50 kilometres from Bangladesh's capital Dhaka.