Juliana Rincón Parra · May, 2012

Latest posts by Juliana Rincón Parra from May, 2012

Peru: How the Achuar People are Saving their Territory from Oil Companies

  22 May 2012

The movie Chumpi & The Waterfall follows the life of young Chumpi and his community, the Achuar people who live in the Amazon Rainforest in the border between Peru and Ecuador. In the movie, subtitled in English, the Achuar show the richness of their daily life and also the steps they are taking to protect their ancestral lands from Oil Companies.

Argentina: Transforming a Neighborhood Through a Cultural Shed

  16 May 2012

The Piedrabuenarte Cultural Shed in the outskirts of Buenos Aires, Argentina is transforming the neighborhood through culture, arts and citizen media. Formerly a warehouse for discarded scenery and sets for the Colon Theater, the space was transformed by artists in the community into a center for arts. Through their YouTube channel they are telling the world about it.

Video: Robot Shows us How to Stay Safe Online

  10 May 2012

Online security is a complex issue that is sometimes hard to understand or to know how to face. Using a lovable animated robot, the Tactical Tech Collective is trying to get more people aware on how to stay safe online through short online video animations.

Colombia: A Visit to Karmata Rua Indigenous Reserve

  9 May 2012

Multimedia web channel TodoLoQueHay[es] (All There Is) from Colombia recently posted a short visual journey in the Emberá-Chamí indigenous reserve previously known as Christendom, whose inhabitants are now trying to make known by its ancestral name instead: Karmata Rua.

Video: Adobe Youth Voices Aspire Awards Voting Open

  9 May 2012

Young underprivileged youth learning multi-media tools are showcasing their work through The Adobe Youth Voices Aspire Awards. Entries include documentaries, music videos, poetry, audio, graphic design, narrative, animation and photography.

Juliana Rincón Parra's space

Please apply to be a Global Voices author if you would like to write about video content online.

When I'm not working, if I'm online I'm usually :

Writing for Future Challenges

Adding crafty stuff on Pinterest.

Geeking out on Tumblr

Spreading the word about Universal Subtitles

And ever so often updating my blog [es]