Juliana Rincón Parra · April, 2012

Latest posts by Juliana Rincón Parra from April, 2012

Refugees: Online Media and Technology to the Service of Refugees

  29 April 2012

Two different organizations are using online media and technology to aid refugees and improve their lives. The first uses online and mobile tools to reunite refugees who have lost track of family members, and the other provides legal information to refugees in Hong Kong through YouTube videos.

Ecuador: Refugee Women and Girls Turning to Sex Work

  24 April 2012

A video documentary examines the situation with Colombian women who had to migrate across the border into Ecuador due to violence. In many cases, without being able to gain legal employment, the women and their underage daughters find themselves turning to sex-work to make a living.

Costa Rica: Climbing up Chirripó, the Country's Tallest Peak

  21 April 2012

The tallest peak in Costa Rica is the Chirripó, at 3820 meters (12,533 feet) above sea level. Throughout the years, it has drawn many locals and foreigners to climb up to the summit: these next few videos bring us two very different experiences. One of the first expeditions back in 1960, and a modern day hike to the top.

Video: Better Aid and Development Discussions Through Islam Crash Course

  20 April 2012

An ongoing discussion over at the Uncultured Project has been the relationship between the lack of knowledge on what Islam is about and how aid and development organizations relate to the Muslim community. Shawn Ahmed shares a simple and short video explaining what Islam is in an attempt to pave the road to better understanding of a large group of people who could be Aid recipients.

Mexico: A Toy Collection Could Change the Future of Mexico

  19 April 2012

A 65 year old man had a personal collection with more than a million old toys, mostly made in Mexico. Mexican Architect Robert Shimizu, along with his son, decided to open their house as a toy museum. Their subtitled video documentary A Mexican Toy Story tells the story of how it came to be and how they believe that through toys, Mexico can recover its path.

Video Highlights: Syrian Activism, Children's Issues and Dolphin Deaths

  18 April 2012

A selection of Global Voices' most recent and interesting stories like the Syrian protests in Middle East and North Africa, China and India's female gendercide phenomenon in South Asia and East Asia and viral video campaigns with Children in Mexico and the massive dolphin die-off in Peru for Latin America.

Argentina: “I Don't Believe in Schools but I do Believe in Education”

  13 April 2012

Educacion Viva (Live Education) has released the first of their videos challenging traditional education systems, titled I Don't Believe in Schools but I do Believe in Education. In the subtitled video, more than 20 men and women read aloud a poem on the educational system and how it is different from what they believe education is.

Argentina: Documentary on Urban Natives Looking for Subtitles

  11 April 2012

The previously featured Creative Commons documentary Runa Kuti on the identity of urban dwelling indigenous descendants in the city of Buenos Aires is looking for volunteers to help them subtitle the documentary into indigenous languages found in Argentina such Quechua, Aymara, Mapuche and Guaraní as well as into English.

One Day on Earth: Worldwide Collaborative Music Video Released

  9 April 2012

A new music video has been released in preparation for the worldwide screening of the Global Collaborative film One Day on Earth, which will take place in locations all around the planet on Earth Day (22 April, 2012). The video features musicians, poets and dancers captured on film all during the same 24 hour period in 10 October, 2012, artfully recut and remixed by Cut Chemist.

Juliana Rincón Parra's space

Please apply to be a Global Voices author if you would like to write about video content online.

When I'm not working, if I'm online I'm usually :

Writing for Future Challenges

Adding crafty stuff on Pinterest.

Geeking out on Tumblr

Spreading the word about Universal Subtitles

And ever so often updating my blog [es]