Latest posts by Juliana Rincón Parra from April, 2011
Canada: Indigenous Teens Share their Values on Video Contest
Indigenous teens in four different Canadian communities share their hopes, stories and dreams in a series of short videos in "My Space. My Story" where they speak about things that matter to them as indigenous youth.
India: Gay Community Shown Support after Video Screening
Citizen video's power to promote change has been proven in Raipur, India. A screening of a video showing the hardships faced by the gay community enabled audience members from diverse backgrounds to relate to the discrimination and show their support by organizing a peaceful demonstration.
Costa Rica: Climate Change Affecting the Cloud Forest
The Monteverde Now project documents the stories of 11 members of the Monteverde Community through short video interviews where they explain how their life has been transformed and how they are adapting to sustaining their diverse and delicate ecosystem in the face of climate change.
Colombia: Teen Produced Web Series about Gay Youth
Nineteen year old Jhoncito Arango's most recent web project has certainly caught the local media's eye in his native Colombia, where his web series Yonkis has had a very good reception considering that it tackles a topic that is still considered highly sensitive in this Catholic country: homosexuality.
Kenya: Citizen Journalism of the Kibera News Network
Young people in Kibera, Kenya, which is known to some as Africa's largest slum, are determined to show a different face of the place where they live. With video cameras in hand, they scout the streets for stories to show the world how Kibera sees itself.
Colombia: Finding Colombia in New York City
Elsa Tobón walks around and Roosevelt Avenue [sp] in New York City, pointing out all the details that make her believe for a moment that she is back in Medellin,...
Video: Checking out the BOBs Video Channel Nominees
The Deutsche Welle International Blog Awards, known as The BOBs are one of the most important awards for content producers online. One of their 17 categories is the award for Best Video Channel and today we'll get to know a bit more about the 11 nominees to better cast your vote.
Costa Rica: Video Game Based on Real Time Tweets Seeks Funding
Six young video game designers in Costa Rica are looking for crowd-sourced funding for TweetLand, their real-time twitter powered games. The games are called Route 140 and LoveCity and both use real time twitter updates to influence actions that take place during the game.