Juliana Rincón Parra · December, 2010

Latest posts by Juliana Rincón Parra from December, 2010

Costa Rica: The History of a Village in Calypso Songs

  13 December 2010

Walter "Gavitt" Ferguson, said to be the last remaining Calypsonian, has become the memory keeper of Cahuita in Costa Rica's Caribbean south. He sings about his life and the history of his town; from Cacao plantation, to banana republic and finally, to national park and touristic destination.

India: One Day Women Can Play and Dance

  10 December 2010

India Unheard shows us two different festivities in different areas of the country where married women from tribal communities can, for one day only, play and dance in public without risking censure.

Juliana Rincón Parra's space

Please apply to be a Global Voices author if you would like to write about video content online.

When I'm not working, if I'm online I'm usually :

Writing for Future Challenges

Adding crafty stuff on Pinterest.

Geeking out on Tumblr

Spreading the word about Universal Subtitles

And ever so often updating my blog [es]