Juliana Rincón Parra · October, 2010

Latest posts by Juliana Rincón Parra from October, 2010

Ukraine: Dog does Parkour

  23 October 2010

This video is once again making its rounds internationally, adding a twist to the usual parkour video. In it,  a  Staffordshire Terrier can be seen running up walls, trees and...

Video: How to keep water clean and use it wisely

  15 October 2010

From tips on reusing gray water or minimizing wasted water when we flush the toilet, to kids in the Valle del Colca in Peru explaining the importance of keeping community water sources clean. Join us on Blog Action Day as we tour the world with World Conservation Videos

Netherlands: Latin American Diaspora Women Unite

  14 October 2010

The European DiasporaSolidaria.org foundation organized a summit for migrant Latin American women in Amsterdam, where they discussed issues such as their rights, the changing nature of families and remittances. LA Ruta brings us a short video recording some of their experiences.

Myanmar (Burma): The Plight of the Karen

  14 October 2010

The ethnic minority of the Karen are one of the groups that have been targeted by the Burmese army in its effort to defend the military regime. Burma Matters Now brings us a few videos that speak out about the plight of the Karen people as they try to survive in a violent environment.

Juliana Rincón Parra's space

Please apply to be a Global Voices author if you would like to write about video content online.

When I'm not working, if I'm online I'm usually :

Writing for Future Challenges

Adding crafty stuff on Pinterest.

Geeking out on Tumblr

Spreading the word about Universal Subtitles

And ever so often updating my blog [es]