Latest posts by Juliana Rincón Parra from October, 2010
Video: One Minute Jr video nominees for 2010 Awards
The nominees for each of the 3 categories in the One Minutes Jr project competition 2010 have been selected. In each of the categories of (Self)-portrait, Inside-Out and One Minute...
Ecuador: The Kichwa of Ecuador and the Oil Companies
Waves of Change points us towards I am a Defender of the Rainforest, a 2008 documentary by the Kichwa people of Ecuador, where they documented their struggles with oil companies...
Ukraine: Dog does Parkour
This video is once again making its rounds internationally, adding a twist to the usual parkour video. In it, a Staffordshire Terrier can be seen running up walls, trees and...
Video: Collaborative online reading of Don Quixote
One of the most loved works of literary fiction, Don Quixote, has come to life through YouTube. Hundreds of volunteers are reading fragments of Miguel de Cervantes' work and uploading them to the ElQuijote Channel.
Video: How to keep water clean and use it wisely
From tips on reusing gray water or minimizing wasted water when we flush the toilet, to kids in the Valle del Colca in Peru explaining the importance of keeping community water sources clean. Join us on Blog Action Day as we tour the world with World Conservation Videos
Czech Republic: Happy 600th Birthday Prague's Astronomical Clock
The video mapping of the Astronomical Tower in Prague for its 600th anniversary has Spanish language social networks buzzing this morning. Microsiervos blog points us to the official video by...
Netherlands: Latin American Diaspora Women Unite
The European foundation organized a summit for migrant Latin American women in Amsterdam, where they discussed issues such as their rights, the changing nature of families and remittances. LA Ruta brings us a short video recording some of their experiences.
Myanmar (Burma): The Plight of the Karen
The ethnic minority of the Karen are one of the groups that have been targeted by the Burmese army in its effort to defend the military regime. Burma Matters Now brings us a few videos that speak out about the plight of the Karen people as they try to survive in a violent environment.
World: One Day on Earth on 10.10.10
The One Day on Earth project is only a day away, a day where people from all over the planet will record videos during that day, send them in, and they will become part of a documentary film and experience that will represent a snapshot of humankind.
Video: French Burqa Ban Protest in Minishorts and Niqab
Tea and Politics wonders about the definition of full veil, as two French Muslim girls walk around in niqab (face veils) and minishorts to protest the “Burqa Ban” in France.