Latest posts by Juliana Rincón Parra from September, 2010
Music: CD Brings together banned and censored musicians
Listen to the Banned is a music CD bringing together musicians who have been banned, censored or imprisoned due to their music. It features artists from Afghanistan, Cote D’Ivoire, Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Pakistan, Palestine, Sudan, Turkey, Uighurstan and Zimbabwe.
Venezuela: Web Videos Encouraging Citizens to Vote
Venezuelans will be voting on September 26th to renew the whole body of the National Assembly, the unicameral legislative body which substituted the Congress, and online, dozens of people are making and remixing videos urging citizens to vote.
Brazil: World's Largest Graffiti Inaugurated
Brazil's President Lula da Silva inaugurated the world's largest graffiti at over 37 000 square feet in the area of Foz do Iguaçu. This area; famous for the Iguaçu falls and the triple border where Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina meet will now be home to a decorated highway honouring children and teenager's rights.
Asia: Videos on Drug Abuse and Detention Centers
Drug abuse detention centers in Asia are in the spotlight. Although some Asian drug addicts go in voluntarily to kick their habit, in some places, this has led to routine human rights abuses where people off the street are locked up with no choice, tortured, raped, forced to work for free and denied basic comforts.
Bosnia: Puppy drowning Video Girl Caught by Police
Bosnian police have found the girl who appeared on YouTube video throwing puppies to a river, thanks to animal protection organization's tips and online citizens who helped pinpoint location and...
USA: My Faith My Voice collaborative video project
American Muslim groups are using online video in a collaborative project to try and explain what Islam is about in an attempt to defuse the rise of anti Islam racism...