Latest posts by Juliana Rincón Parra from November, 2009
Video: Worldwide youth express themselves in 60 seconds
The OneMinutesJr project gives young people between 12 and 20 years of age from many corners of the globe the opportunity to express themselves across borders, languages and distances through 60 second videos.
Video: End Violence Against Women Around the World
Today, November 25th is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and through videos, many people and organizations around the world are expressing their need to end the violence as well as the efforts they are undertaking to ensure that women have a safer world to live in.
Video: Open Video Contest for Trip to SXSW Interactive Festival
The Open Video Alliance is putting out a call out for one minute videos that make a case for Open Video for an opportunity to win a trip to South by South West Interactive 2010 festival. The contest is open to anyone regardless of nationality.
Colombia: Video interview of 12 year old drug dealer
Giovanni Lopera interviews Jorman, a 12 year old in a Colombian working class neighborhood who tells how he deals drugs to help at home with money, giving half his earnings...
Nicaragua: Farmers express thoughts on Rural Development through video
The Alzar las Voces (Raise the Voices) project in Nicaragua brings farmers in rural communities the possibility to speak out through video telling of their concerns, their projects, their wishes and ideas.
Video: The world commemorates the fall of the Berlin Wall
Today is the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, a complex security structure that once divided East and West Berlin in Germany. Today we are showcasing some of the videos from throughout the globe that are being uploaded to commemorate this date and what it meant to barriers not only in Germany, but throughout the world.
Israeli and Palestinian youth use video to understand the conflict
Two different organizations in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories are using video tools to help both Arabic and Jewish youth to understand the conflict and bridge gaps between them.