Latest posts by Juliana Rincón Parra from October, 2009
Video: Winners of UN Contest became Citizen Ambassadors
We bring you the 5 winning videos for the UN contest where participants sent in a video stating what they would tell world leaders if they had the chance. The 5 video bloggers had the opportunity to give their message in person at the UN Day celebration in New York City.
Videos on how Maternal Mortality Affects Communities
When a woman dies during pregnancy, childbirth or due to complications after delivery, it affects not only the family, but also the whole community.
Pregnancy and Prisons: Women's Health and Rights Behind Bars
It is still a struggle to ensure human rights for pregnant women worldwide, and it seems that in the process, pregnant women in prison are many times overlooked. What have been some of the steps made to ensure that they are also treated humanely, with respect to the life they carry?
Adoption: Securing the Rights of Mothers and Children
Women speak out from all sides of the issue: adoptees, natural mothers and adoptive mothers try to make sense of the legal, reproductive and human rights issues behind adoptions.
Colombian film on petty theft wins National Documentary Award
In Square Eyes blog, a Colombian blog about TV, movies and shows, they bring us the trailer of Bagatelle, the winner of the National Documentary Award. Bagatelle shows the day to day happenings in the judicial system where petty criminals are brought to justice.
Cuba: Journalism Prize Winner Denied Permission to Leave Cuba
Yoani Sánchez, Cuban blogger writing in Generacion Y blog, was once again denied permission to leave the island nation of Cuba to go receive the 2009 Maria Moors Cabot journalism award. In a video, she asks immigration officials about her travel bans.
Costa Rica: Streaming Video Discussions on Citizen Journalism
Last night 300 users tuned in to the video streaming from the Spanish Cultural center, where three journalists with extensive experience with citizen media from Spain, Costa Rica and Cuba:...
Philippines: Supporting Women through Pregnancy and Motherhood
If it goes against the religious mandates of a Catholic organization, can unwed pregnant females be fired from work or expelled from school? Bloggers discuss this situation currently faced in Philippines.
Costa Rica: Ex President sentenced to 5 years of prison for corruption charges
Costa Rica's expresident Calderon sentenced to 5 years in prison for corruption charges, with many citizens hanging on to every word of the verdict through streaming, twitter and blogs.
Asia and Oceania: Videos of Natural Disaster Aftermath
Citizen uploaded videos of the flooding, earthquakes and tsunamis that in less than a week, have struck several different countries in Oceania, East and Southeast Asia.