Juliana Rincón Parra · October, 2009

Latest posts by Juliana Rincón Parra from October, 2009

Video: Winners of UN Contest became Citizen Ambassadors

  28 October 2009

We bring you the 5 winning videos for the UN contest where participants sent in a video stating what they would tell world leaders if they had the chance. The 5 video bloggers had the opportunity to give their message in person at the UN Day celebration in New York City.

Pregnancy and Prisons: Women's Health and Rights Behind Bars

  24 October 2009

It is still a struggle to ensure human rights for pregnant women worldwide, and it seems that in the process, pregnant women in prison are many times overlooked. What have been some of the steps made to ensure that they are also treated humanely, with respect to the life they carry?

Juliana Rincón Parra's space

Please apply to be a Global Voices author if you would like to write about video content online.

When I'm not working, if I'm online I'm usually :

Writing for Future Challenges

Adding crafty stuff on Pinterest.

Geeking out on Tumblr

Spreading the word about Universal Subtitles

And ever so often updating my blog [es]