Latest posts by Juliana Rincón Parra from January, 2008
Davos: peeking in and participating through videos
The World Economic Forum´s annual meeting of political and business leaders is taking place between January 23rd and January 27th in Davos, Switzerland. This year, common people can participate in this forum by giving their ideas to make the world a better place and posting it on the YouTube video sharing site.
Brazilian Football Star Remembered on 25th Death Anniversary
It is through video online that many Brazilians and football fans from around the world have found a way to pay homage to one of the best dribblers in football history, Manuel Francisco dos Santos, best known as Garrincha.
Egypt: Secrets on Video
From Egypt, videos which expose secrets and ugly truths. One of them, Hideous, attempts to shock the rich into action by contrasting their carefree lives with the poverty on the streets. Also, To H.E Mrs Suzanne Mubarak, a song and video respectfully dedicated to Egypt´s First Lady, reporting about a story of child abuse, police brutality and misery.
Peru: Wendy Sulca, Child Video Sensation
From Peru, 10 year old Wendy Sulca is quickly becoming an internet sensation. Her folkloric videos have viewers discussing children´s rights, what it means to be Peruvian and whether or not children should sing about certain topics.
Iraq: Videos of snow in Baghdad
The unexpected happened in Iraq: Snow fell on the capital city of Baghdad, and citizens grabbed their video cameras to record this once in a lifetime event.
Colombia: Uncertain Future for the Hostage Situation
In the wake of the release of two women who had been held hostage by the FARC terrorist group for 5 and 6 years, there are mixed feelings regarding the future political situation in Colombia, especially after the request by Venezuela´s President Hugo Chávez to world leaders to consider FARC an insurgent and not a terrorist group.
Kenya: Moving images of unrest and hope
A video walkthrough of the recent violent events in Kenya following the December 27th elections, with shocking images, insightful interviews and hopeful thoughts on the future.
Bangladesh: Cyclone Sidr relief efforts.
Cyclone Sidr struck Bangladesh mid November, and although media attention has waned, the efforts to aid the victims still continue. Vlogger Shawn from the Uncultured project recorded his visit to the disaster area to deliver blankets.
Argentina: 20 years of the El Mate free movie and animation school
Children between 8 and 17 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, have been learning how to animate and film movies in the 20 year old El Mate Film School, with an abundant production of films, shorts, animations and a documentary or two.