Jose Murilo · April, 2008

Latest posts by Jose Murilo from April, 2008

New Oil in Brazil Unleashes a Gusher of Media Controversies

  21 April 2008

Twisted information about the discovery of what may possibly be the third largest oil field in the world turned into a hot issue on the Brazilian blogosphere this week. The trigger was a comment from the head of Brazil's National Petroleum Agency [ANP], Haroldo Lima, mentioning that the recently found Carioca [or Sugar Loaf] field in Brazil’s offshore Santos Basin could potentially contain reserves of up to 33 billion barrels of oil and gas.

Kathmandu: 100 million mantras for Tibet

  2 April 2008

Haroldo Castro, at ‘Viajologia‘, is a Brazilian blogger covering events in Tibet with a few posts translated into English. The blog displays some videos and dramatic photos showing the bodies...